\[POLL\] Top 10 Alt-Coins - Show FTC some
;D We’re moving up the ranks.
I take it I need to have a bitcointalk account to vote?
Good job guys we are in 4th place being BTC, LTC, WDC, FTC :)
heard about a WDC hostile fork split…
So FTC2, it’s a joke but what’s the punchline?
Is it a coin that actually exists or is it a cheeky name for the FTC fork?Personally I don’t get it.
FTC2 is an actual coin. It was released around the time of the FTC fork though. At first I thought it was a result of the FTC fork.
Voted, not doing too bad tbh.
NMC Namecoin - 202 (8.7%)
PPC PPcoin - 208 (9%)
TRC Terracoin - 125 (5.4%)
DVC Devcoin - 108 (4.7%)
IXC IxCoin - 11 (0.5%)
NVC NovaCoin - 107 (4.6%)
FRC Freicoin - 57 (2.5%)
[b]FTC FeatherCoin - 224 (9.7%)[/b]
BTE Bytecoin - 34 (1.5%)
BQC BBQCoin - 93 (4%)
MNC Mincoin - 68 (2.9%)
CNC CHNCoin - 56 (2.4%)
BTB BitBar - 84 (3.6%)
JKC JKC - 29 (1.3%)
YAC YACoin - 137 (5.9%)
WDC Worldcoin - 238 (10.3%)
other - 64 (2.8%)
PXC Phenixcoin - 40 (1.7%)
Goldcoin - 59 (2.5%)
NIB Nibble - 57 (2.5%)
PWC Powercoin - 192 (8.3%)
FTC2 Feathercoin2 - 14 (0.6%)
GMC Gamecoin - 16 (0.7%)
Doubloons - 20 (0.9%)
DGC DigitalCoin - 71 (3.1%)Total Voters: 848
Voted ;)
Its doing awesome!