\*Post deleted.
I post pictures of my kid often, doesn’t mean I’m scamming people. Your logic there is quite illogical.
I will be leaving this community, not going to take being called a scammer because I enjoy showing off my kid, or anything for that matter. I post my progress on my investments, mine, no one elses. I risk my money, my money alone, no one elses. I tell people to only invest what they can risk losing, aka you can take a loss. You are completely manipulating the entire blog and everything I post due to two blog posts about Leancy. Other than me investing in ONE HYIP there is nothing there that can be labeled as a “scam.” I can understand your perspective, I can. But people have a choice, free will. They can do as they please.
With that said, I enjoyed my time here.
Take care, and sorry a lot of you lost your LTC / BTC to FTCLover. He’s a definition of a true scammer, not me. -
[quote name=“ibitcoinblog” post=“56901” timestamp=“1391468654”]
I will be leaving this community, not going to take being called a scammer because I enjoy showing off my kid[/quote]You’re not being called a scammer because you’re showing off your kid (who’s adorable, btw) You’re being called a scammer because you’re encouraging people to participate in a scam. That’s what scammers do, and you’re doing it.
[quote]I tell people to only invest what they can risk losing, aka you can take a loss. You are completely manipulating the entire blog and everything I post.[/quote]
I don’t see how that’s possible. You’ve not refuted anything I’ve said, and I don’t think you can because it’s easy to verify as being entirely accurate.
[quote]I can understand your perspective, I can. But people have a choice, free will. They can do as they please.[/quote]
Ah, the old, “Well they shouldn’t have listened to me then.” defense. I’ve got news for you: You’re accountable for how you represent yourself. If you represent yourself as running an “investment advice blog”, your blog should probably contain investment advice, not entice people to participate in scams. The argument that people have free will ignores the fact that you’re acting in the role of an authority on a particular subject, and that people will rely on you to be that authority. Since you know this, you’re morally obliged to act responsibly towards your readers, providing them with the whole picture, not just the rosy view you want them to see. [b][i]With great power comes great responsibility![/i][/b]
With that said, I enjoyed my time here.
Take care, and sorry a lot of you lost your LTC / BTC to FTCLover. He’s a definition of a true scammer, not me.
[/quote]And that’s how you know for sure you’re dealing with a scammer: Instead of defending the accusations, addressing the concerns raised, backing up the claims previously made, providing evidence to the contrary, playing the role of a responsible authority on the subject, and inviting intelligent discourse on the matter like a non-scammer would do, instead we’re going with, “You hurt my [i]feelings[/i]! I’m taking my toys and going home.”
I’m not going to get in a heated debate over this and that. I am not.
I am not going to defend something when I frankly don’t care what you’re saying. I don’t.Call me a scammer, call me what you want. It makes no difference to me. In the end I know I’m not, and no one has been scammed from Leancy yet, when that happens, yes, I will change my standpoint. But when that time comes, at this current point in time, they aren’t scamming anyone and people have been returned what they invested.
I use logical sense. Yes ponzi schemes in the past have been scams, yes hyip programs have been called scams, I know this. But until I personally, or someone who invested under me gets scammed, then I will call it a scam. Until I have actual physical proof that something or someone has been scammed, then I will believe it. That’s how my mind functions.
You really should work on your people skills to be honest, poking rude remarks like “you took my toys etc.” That’s just pressing someones buttons and looking for a response and a means to start shit. I haven’t said anything in retaliation to this, I shrugged it off. I am not looking to argue with you, especially someone sitting behind a screen clearly looking for an argument. I can understand you’re disgruntled over something I posted on my blog, I am, and I apologize for this. I have made the necessary corrections and made the big bold warnings on my blog that people have the possibility and probability of losing money in the long run.
I hope this satisfies your itch for a debate.
[quote name=“ibitcoinblog” post=“56906” timestamp=“1391470718”]
I’m not going to get in a heated debate over this and that. I am not.
I am not going to defend something when I frankly don’t care what you’re saying. I don’t.Call me a scammer, call me what you want. It makes no difference to me. In the end I know I’m not, and no one has been scammed from Leancy yet, when that happens, yes, I will change my standpoint. But when that time comes, at this current point in time, they aren’t scamming anyone and people have been returned what they invested.
I use logical sense. Yes ponzi schemes in the past have been scams, yes hyip programs have been called scams, I know this. But until I personally, or someone who invested under me gets scammed, then I will call it a scam. Until I have actual physical proof that something or someone has been scammed, then I will believe it. That’s how my mind functions.
[/quote]I’ve provided you with examples of the exact same scheme run by the exact same individuals where people lost their money. There’s literally TONS of examples of people losing their money. Your position of, “Until I lose my money, I’m not calling it a scam” just ignored the mounds of evidence that has already been presented. It’s well document that HYIPs are a scam. Don’t believe me? [b]TRY GOOGLING “HYIP”[/b].
Yes, no one has been scammed by Leancy yet. We’ve already established they’re still in the ‘sucker people in’ phase. PLENTY of people have been scammed by it’s prior incarnations under a different name by THE SAME PEOPLE: 1nstant and Gesmie. But you don’t mention that in your blog, do you?
I suppose you’re an authority, because you’ve NEVER done this before, and everyone else, who HAS been scammed by these schemes, isn’t an authority? That’s proper insanity.
FFS, even Wikipedia knows it’s a scam: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-yield_investment_program
[quote name=“ibitcoinblog” post=“56906” timestamp=“1391470718”]
You really should work on your people skills to be honest, poking rude remarks like “you took my toys etc.” That’s just pressing someones buttons and looking for a response and a means to start shit. I haven’t said anything in retaliation to this, I shrugged it off. I am not looking to argue with you, especially someone sitting behind a screen clearly looking for an argument. I can understand you’re disgruntled over something I posted on my blog, I am, and I apologize for this. I have made the necessary corrections and made the big bold warnings on my blog that people have the possibility and probability of losing money in the long run.
[/quote]Well forgive me if I don’t just jump up and take your advice, you’ve not exactly gotten the best track record for dispensing it so far.
Good on you for taking my advice and taking one step closer to responsible disclosure. Now if you would just go the rest of the way, and detail exactly WHY people are likely to lose money, and the prior history of this particular scam where people have lots tons of money to the same people running the same scam, you might reestablish some credibility… but of course you’re not going to do that, because if people actually knew the whole story, they’re a whole lot less likely to invest, aren’t they?
I didn’t say, “You took my toys”, I said you’re complaining about hurt feelings, and refusing to respond to the facts presented, address the concerns raised, back up the claims previously made, provide evidence to the contrary, play the role of a responsible authority on the subject, and invite intelligent discourse on the matter like a non-scammer would do. Instead of trying to attack me, why don’t you stick to the topic at hand?
I am not going to defend something when I frankly don’t care what you’re saying.
[/quote]Someone makes a bunch of accurate statements, and instead of responding with an intelligent reply, you simply shurg your shoulders and throw your hands up.
I was excited when I saw someone doing blogging about investing with regards to crypto-currency. The advice you offered in your initial posts was questionable, but I didn’t comment because I figured you were still learning. It’s wholly unfortunate that you’ve now gone out of your way to ignore your own advice and are refusing to engage in intelligent discussions around the advice you’re dispensing, preferring to hide behind deleted posts and ad hominem attacks.
You can still redeem yourself with regards to this. It’s as simple as following your own advice. Here, I’ll quote it for you:
Research. Research. Research.
[/quote]Do your research. Blog about how these guys have used the exact same scheme to take other people’s money. Detail the reasons why people are likely to lose their investment. Help the community, don’t just sucker them into your get rich quick scheme.
I’m not looking for an argument, I’m looking for an sober, intelligent discussion, centered around facts… which as you previously said you, “Don’t care about.”
Well let me assure you, as long as I have breath in me and I can still type, I will expose every single fact available that you want hidden, since you don’t care about that. I will make sure everyone knows the truth, since you don’t care about it. I will enable people to make informed, intelligent decisions regarding their investments, since you don’t care about that. I will stop scammers from making more money off people as best as I possibly can, since you don’t care about that. I will ensure justice prevails over people who would steal from the innocent, since you don’t care about that. And I’ll keep giving good, solid, factual, verifiable advice to people, since you don’t care about that.
[quote name=“ibitcoinblog” post=“56901” timestamp=“1391468654”]
Take care, and sorry a lot of you lost your LTC / BTC to FTCLover. He’s a definition of a true scammer, not me.
[/quote]Ooooooohhhhh right! That OTHER scam you were promoting on your blog not that long ago. The one you DIDN’T invest in, but invited other people to. Let’s see, where is that post now? Oh, you deleted it.
Well that’s convenient. What do we do when our speculations turn out to be inaccurate? Do we admit our mistakes, and make a responsible disclosure to our readers that you made a mistake? Or do we simply revise history, and hope no one will notice?
Funny thing is, someone could probably go through all of the threads similar to this and just relabel Kevlar’s advice to people and actually have a pretty solid cryptocurrency financial advice blog. I’d do it myself if I weren’t so debilitatingly lazy. I realize that’s isn’t even a word…I just don’t want to go back and type something else.
+1 rep to Kevlar; Even though OP will not get anything out of your posts, new people in the community stand to learn a thing or two from what you’ve said here.
[quote name=“ibitcoinblog” post=“56901” timestamp=“1391468654”]
I post pictures of my kid often, doesn’t mean I’m scamming people. Your logic there is quite illogical.
You’re not being called a scammer because you’re showing off your kid (who’s adorable, btw) You’re being called a scammer because you’re encouraging people to participate in a scam. That’s what scammers do, and you’re doing it.[/quote]I am/will. Why show a picture of a kid with pinkeye when discussing financials?
It’s a distraction technique. It’s happened on this forum before (thankfully with no biters that I can see) and I’ve seen it dozens of times amongst churchfolk and the elderly.
That he deleted the post instead of leaving the post up with his links to his blog and just removing the picture of the kid is proof positive to me. Caught the tinge of embarrassment that he was caught.
Yeah… it looks like one big pyramid scheme to me. Both the blog and the twitter account look like they’re just there to market it.
Going to give this one a miss. Thank you everyone for all the advice.
I did google as well doing some research. This scam detector website says Leancy.com has a bad reputation and feathercoin.com has a good reputation. :-)
[quote]I am not going to defend something when I frankly don’t care what you’re saying.[/quote]
And you’re still flying away. You were touched very easily when I PM’ed you the other day about a possible scam and once again you’re on fire when people throw their opinion (AND knowledge) to you. I don’t really see any name calling about you being a scammer, just the ponzie-scheme that has been proven to be not very legit.
I like the effort you put into your blog, but the head-heated responses are a no-go, the forums are here to discuss - fight back if you think they’re wrong and try to understand the points others make as well - some might actually be right.