Any good write-ups on Solo mining?
After a month of mining on a pool and looking at my payout/solved block ratio and my electric bill, I’ve concluded that i need to go solo or else I’ll be sleeping solo! I just can’t seem to find stuff on FTC mining… i mostly get LTC write up… but I need an FTC one. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Alright, I’ve spent all day trying to figure this out, i [i]think[/i] I’m solo mining… the only thing that gives me hope that I’m mining FTC is that i see the Diff at 123, the rest is in Mh/s and my speeds are about 100kh/s slower than usual… Help me in my newbness! Am i even mining? If i solve a block do I just appears in my wallet?
It would be handy to know what’s in your feathercoin.conf file as at present it doesn’t look like you are solo are mining ftc. At the time of posting the FTC diff is shown as 8.08 million. CGMiner reports diff levels based on sha-256 algos (Bitcoin) rather than scrypt (feathercoin) so you need to divide that difficulty reading by 65536 to get the real diff levels for scrypt.
If you are showing diff of 123k you are actually mining at diff 1.87 which is closer to worldcoin diffs?
All that aside, it’s quite simple to mine solo. This applies to anycoin…
1. install feathercoin client (obviously)4
2. let it all sync up.
3. navigate to “%appdata%/feathercoin” (the %appdata% will automagically take you to the right place)
4. create a txt file and paste this into it
and save it. Make sure when you save it you select “Save as type -> All Files” otherwise it’ll add .txt to the filename and it wont work.
5. in your startup script for cgminer make sure you have the following
[code]cgminer --scrypt -o -u PlanB -p YourPassword [/code]That’s it. The diff should report 8mill ish
As for speeds, you’re going to need to furnish us with details of you setup - cards, cg configs, etc.
Finally, Solo mining will NOT bring you more coins. In fact, at current difficulties you may find it will bring you a lot less as people will find the blocks before you do. Although people will argue that the should both earn you the same over a long enough period. You could join a p2pool node though if you are unhappy with the standard pools. It’s an in-between of pool mining and solomining where you mine direct to your wallet but you share the rewards with others and they share theirs with you.
I run a 0% fee public p2pool server that a few people here use - and d2 also runs a few pools that spoken of highly
[color=red]EDIT: Now i’ve had coffee, i realised you are looking like you are not mining “scrypt”. [/color]
Follow the above and you should be fine.
It looks like you aren’t using a startup batch file for CGMiner.
You need to create a file in the cgminer folder. Call it ftc.bat (or anything you like as long as it ends “.bat” and put the following in it from my previous post.
[code]cgminer --scrypt -o -u PlanB -p YourPassword [/code]