Cool Feathercoin difficulty graph
Just searchin’ about and found this cool graph of Feathercoin Difficulty.
That is fantastic!
Looks great.
Can you make the text ‘difficulty’ green as the graph is?
The Data is OCT-10-2013 only. Why is not Today?
That is a pretty cool graph, probably the best data visualisation for crypto currencies i’ve seen. i’m guessing you need 6 or 7 weeks worth of data to calculate difficulty and that why it stops on october 10th… anyone out there able to explain how to calculate difficulty?
It would be very scary to see the difficulty chart over the past 2 weeks (since i started ha) It varies so wildly From 1.5 GH to 11-12GH within 1 days time.
All it takes is a 0.0003 BTC change in price and the hashing hoppers drive the network rates crazy. Or Litecoin drops 10 dollars and the profitablity of FTC looks very good for a day.
beautiful graph, one to bookmark for sure. But I don’t see the prediction…
The difficulty is recorded in the blockchain! You don’t have to do any calculation.
This is an ideal opportunity to contribute to tools, and this could be a great student project, if there any up to date Computer Science Teachers?
Otherwise, make it part of . This information is distributed as part of the block chain. There are other functions are already in the client / deamon. These are available in the wallet - help - debug - console - help
There’s an API as well which needs better highlighting or FAQs
There are other good graphs we could show to enhance our trust and openess.
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