New Forum record for Most online Ever ...
and I was there! Special welcome to all the new members…
Most Online Today: 307. Most Online Ever: 448 (November 29, 2013, 01:59:31 pm)
This is getting silly.
[quote name=“kris_davison” post=“39648” timestamp=“1386186670”]
This is getting silly.
[img][/img]Community building at an all time high, price remaining steady, buzz still going even when other drama is going on elsewhere with Quark and Stablecoin.
Not bad for a coin that some people already recited a eulogy for.
Hurray, now you guys just need a way to keep people here outside of their initial “OMG WHAT GPU SHOULD I USE” question - the more active they stay in the forum community the more likely they are to embrace FTC over the long term. As opposed to trying mining for 3 weeks and giving up when they don’t make it rich.
Very nice! 8)
this is great news. Just expect to only retain about 30% at most. This hype is crazy right now.
[quote name=“angloblaxon” post=“39738” timestamp=“1386195745”]
this is great news. Just expect to only retain about 30% at most. This hype is crazy right now.
Yes, while I don’t think its a major priority some thought should be given to how to retain members. The more people who feel like they’re part of a community the more people will stay an eventually contribute something.Are there other topics, maybe, that might be similar to crypto that might fit into its own subsection that may give people more to discuss without turning this into a cray off topic forum with a small crypto section? I personally wouldn’t mind talking investments/stocks/commodities with people which woul be something I would think a goo deal of people who are into crypto may also be into.