Website Redesign, get involved over here...
@Severino has come up with some great looking designs, if you want to have some impact on how Feathercoin is represented to the public you can join in here: [url=,6616.msg51837.html#msg51837],6616.msg51837.html#msg51837[/url]
This is a dialogue. Feathercoin will be as successful you decide to make it.
This web site upgrade is happening, we are looking for [b]any member contributions[/b], even just “taste” or observers …
[b]Newbie’s can particularly have an impact, this Web Site Update is For You![/b]
The current members upgraded the site to Feathercoin v2 - to add our functional needs, such as polling in “Feathercoin ideas”, to prioritise discussion on new ideas, or the “Reputation system” so you can see which members you can trust.
The Upgrade to Feathercoin web site Version 3, has been disused by members as a way of making more of the features of the web site and particular make it easy for less technical and new members to find they’re way around and get support and get involved.