Press Response - Links to articles, interviews and write-ups
Great article just shared it on Facebook. :)
Looking up HullCoin you will see a Feathercoin mention, too many articles to link in.
I am sorry for lack of activity last month. I have to refresh the list soon!
I like it, nice one :D
Although not mentioned directly a bit in the guardian today about hullcoin:
Coindesk wishing feathercoin happy birthday and mentioning the fundraiser for PCUK
Feathercoin ATM video in coindesk article
I updated the list, let me know if I overlooked something!
Radio 4 bitcoin discussion Feathercoin and bittylicious get a mention.
Thank you kris.
Firts article about FTC and Neoscrypt
Nice to see NeoScrypt getting a mention!
Ace :)
Mad Bitcoins, Neoscrypt vs. LTC/DOGE meged mining 4:30-5:40
Did this get noticed? Re. Feathercoin Market Place
Just seen this, re NeoScript…
Our very own mnstrcck is famous. :)