Help us support Prostate Cancer UK
**Help us support Prostate Cancer UK **
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in the UK. Over 40,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer every year and there are currently over 250,000 men living with the disease.
We have been in contact with Prostate Cancer UK, and they are very interested in what we as a community are doing here are a couple of little extracts from the email we have received:-
Thank you also for this very unique opportunity. I must admit that I have not heard of Feathercoin, but it sounds very interesting and your fundraising efforts would be the first of its kind for us.
I have passed your details to our digital team as I am sure that they would like to feature this initiative.
They have also offered to help promote our efforts via their own website and social media channels.
Whats going on?
We plan to have several fun little things going on over the next couple of months where you can benefit from donating just a few of your lovely feathers, so check back here to see how you can help out!
Starting with the [url=,7362.0.html]Feather Coin Raffle[/url] where for just 1FTC per ticket you can win some amazing prizes.
**How Can I Donate? **
You can make a donation by sending your Feathers to the below address or scan the QR code
If you’re a miner you could always push a few hashes over in the direction of the [url=,7048.0.html]FTC Community Pay Back P2Pool[/url] with all pool fees currently being added to the charity pot!
**How Do I Get Involved? **
If you have any fund raising ideas please drop [url=;sa=send;u=24330]uncle_muddy[/url], [url=;sa=send;u=1077]ChrisJ[/url] or [url=;sa=send;u=603]Ruthie[/url] a Private Message so we can have a chat about it and see if we can get it off the ground.
Prostate Cancer UK is a registered charity in England and Wales (1005541) and in Scotland (SC039332). Registered company 2653887
Note: this thread is locked as it is just meant as information that sign posts to the various projects in which your comments and feedback are always welcome :D