Feathercoin is Going to Bitcoin in the Beltway
It would be nice to have your pocket fulled with FTC paper wallets so you can give it to people as promotional gift fogether with your bussiness card if you have any…
brilliant prize ,but why no par value ?
Mirrax… did you make them?
Mirrax… did you make them?
Did I?
Yes and I recommend everybody to do the same, all you really need is paper and printer :)
Oh and scissors…
Did I?
Yes and I recommend everybody to do the same, all you really need is paper and printer :)
Oh and scissors…
noice :) you are a genious :) I’m sure we’ve been talking about making them but yet no one has, so this is the first I have seen in the name of feathercoin.
brilliant prize ,but why no par value ?
This is geat sugesstion.
Is it to hard to add into generator?
don’t print
I think no other wallet generator have this!
EDIT: or better_
Enter value if you want to mark it on valet> __|
My paper wallet addiction got the better of me for a while. :)
*edit* value printing would be an excellent idea
Who is responsible for development of featheraddress.org ?
Is it that UKmark guy?
I didn’t mean ‘that UKmark guy’ with any disrespect, I just wasn’t around at the time, nor was I sure if it was definitely him. :)
Perhaps, we can write a wrong? I’m sure it’s not too late for him to get the credit he deserves, :)
I am willing to donate for UKMark to continue development of featheraddress.
I miss Mark too, I’ve had the pleasure to meet him and he is the nicest guy, if it wasn’t for Mark we never would’ve been able to make a Feathercoin transaction at The Oxford Blue, UKMark is a genius, he turned that work around in less than a week.
TBH if we all liked SMS wallet we should’ve been supporting our developers.
Wouldn’t it have been great to still have SMS wallet up and running?!
We learn as we go. -
As I already replied here: https://forum.feathercoin.com/index.php?/topic/7311-an-idea/
Thank you for good news!
I’ll contact Peter over the next few days and see about getting the Featheraddress source integrated into the forum on a 443 connection. I am sure iawgoM can work his usual wizardry with the CSS.
This is fantastic news! My paper wallet fetish may come back!
How they made ? Paper wallet.