Please vote for FTC
… okay, a great idea to write to them, anyone wish to drop them an email?
We have 138 votes
FTC had 147 votes in mintpal :) come on …
One vote per user per hour? That policy is designed just to keep interest in the site. Like if I lurk there for 1 month, I get 300 votes? What we need is to get the Wikipedia article back.
I am trading a lot of Mintpal its very fast exchange with good selection of interesting coins.
I was voting very actively for GRC, however it didn’t make much progress in ladder lately.
So I am going to vote for FTC as much as possible.
But from what I saw most coins that won the voting were buying votes…
FTC had 191 votes in mintpal , at 269 . Every account can **1 **vote per hour . One day 24 votes.
I’ll stick to our decision.
Trouble is you need to have a trade history to vote.
I’ve never traded on Mintpal.
I’ll send some Zeit over and trade it to get a a trade history
Trouble is you need to have a trade history to vote.
I’ve never traded on Mintpal.
I’ll send some Zeit over and trade it to get a a trade history
I mined some VTC , and sell them. Every day ,sell some VTC ,get BTC.
I’m holding my VTC at the moment.
I’ve just sent some Zeit over once that is sold I can vote
Now mintapl says I have got a big enough trading volume to vote.
I don’t trade on mintpal as they don’t have ftc on there, and I’m not throwing money away by selling coins there trapping ltc or btc there just so I can vote just to hope we can get ftc up the top.
You only need to look at the trade volume on BTCE and Cryptsy to see Mintpal is costing itself money not having ftc there.
If can gather 100 account , we’ll win very easy.
Today , had 208 votes, Please hold.
How much would it cost on Amazon Mechanical Turk?
Just waiting for some coins to confirm that I mined on a multipool that Cryptsy doesn’t accept but mintpal does and then that will hopefully be enough for me to reach the trade volume to vote.
Thank everyone, We had 217 votes and up to 261, Please hold.
MNot by me yet.
The crap razor coins the multipool mined are still stuck on the pool even though I’ve tried to send them to mintpal, so still cant vote.
If anyone wants to send my some coins on Mintpal to trade to another and then I can send the traded coins back so I can vote, let me know.
Or better still tell me what the minimum trade required to vote is and I will send some doge over to trade so I can vote
I can vote every hour, If you sell 0.01btc, you will can vote. I regeister two account, vote about 20 vote every day.
Today , had 239 votes , at 254 .
**FIFA world cup, **feather and football, exciting. >:D
traded enough to meet the quota today and got 4 or so votes in.
Thank everyone , We go to 237 ,FTC had 273 votes. We started miracles C:-)
Now , We had 332 votes, at 221 . laughter