Feathercoin - a premined coin that supports hyenism (?)
No I’ve not profited at all my investments far outweigh my return but I don’t think that’s what’s important. I and many others are trying to keep the price of FTC buoyant by investing fiat now while its low. Partly to support the cause and partly because we believe its undervalued.
I keep repeating “centralisation” because that’s what its called when you take the power away from the many and supplant it with the few regardless of intent.
I don’t know how you could possibly know how many people are selling coins and making the price drop? Are you privy to information that the rest of us cannot see?
Its nice to see you pointing fingers at invisible foes and just because your paranoid doesn’t mean there not after you. But the market will decide and I’m happy with that. You only make / loose money with crypto when convert it into something else.
Right let’s leave it there I’m sure everyone’s heard enough of my opinion.
Anyone have any thoughts on this?
There’s talks of a C.I.C been formed for ftc and maybe even for all NeoScrypt coins as a whole.
I’m looking at setting up a community owned and opperated pool for all neo coins. NeoScrypt.com will be used for not just a pool, but a whole platform to help support and grow not just ftc but any coin that makes the move from scrypt.
I’m glad that someone takes the problem seriously. Since the first post, the idea is already on its way to practice as CoinShield, http://www.coinshield.com/
This is also similar to the 100k club that lizhi is starting. The problem of such uncentralized investment club would be that a traitor wins. CIC would centralize the strategy, if it can get the investors’ trust (since Bush won’t ever post-instamine). -
Btw. for several reasons (focus, loyalty, not keeping eggs in one basket, not being the second CoinShield…) I’d prefer the CIC to limit itself to Feathercoin only.
I think the CIC would benefit from being a separate organisation from feathercoin ‘the network’. So whilst no good can come from an centralised network, a centralised organisation run for the benefit of feathercoin the network and feathercoin the community could be an asset with clear outlines of it’s intentions for good of the community written into it’s articles of association. It would add another layer of transparency and trust, since the CIC would be legally tied to an asset lock with assets being transferred to a charity in the event of closure. A CIC could raise money in a trust based environment and really put it to good use without any need for an instamine or any other dodgy scam like things we see from some businesslike coins we see these days.
MrWyrm, +1. The problem is that without instamine, we compete with big fiat holders for the coin we care about and they do not.
spend it…like money, stop hoarding it then, stress free environment…seeing it is “Currency”
I stopped caring about the price ages ago, I just burn that debt of fiat and buy more…easy solution
Novel concepts… :o The get rich quick days are gone for now, it’s time for the hard work.
All I ever read, “whaaa the price is less than I paid…DO Something!!1337Nubz0rWTFBBQOMFG!!!”
I don’t have time for the greed, It might sound harsh or cruel, but I really don’t care if it takes the shirt of peoples backs anymore, and it does, lets hope they learn a valuable lesson. Spend it, you lose nothing! Doing nothing with the money, how the heck can you expect it to maintain value, liquidity or popularity… ???
Create liquidity, create volume, the longer you sit on it, the lower it goes. Doesn’t take a genius to work out, by doing nothing with it, you are the problem
Neo is inc, slows down mining for a bit. Most supporters of coins are the same, clueless, not a clue what it’s about, nor do they care, buying into the dream of the unicorns never to be found. Sit back stfu, grow the f*** up and take a good look at your “money”
There is so much to do, get involved with somewhere along the line, that if you spent as much time creating, spending, instead of trading, maybe…just maybe…it would have a greater effect of price!
Correct, there are NO questions here. All these types of posts, go look at any coin, see the same BS. If you actually care about FTC, spend it, buy more, spend it, buy more…get the picture now? create the damn value by using it!
Are humans all this stupid? I mean really
Yes, this is why I’m stopping posting anywhere, twitter and FB and others all deactivated, and the reason is simple, I have had enough of human stupidity and to me, right here, it’s as clear as day. So apologies, I’m not saying anyone IS stupid, but what is written, be aware of the difference before you as a human, do the obvious and reach for the gun as your normal solution. The only way to explain this is a quote "The problem is not the problem, The problem is your attitude about the problem"
Yes, this is why I’m stopping posting anywhere, twitter and FB and others all deactivated…
If you always respond verbosely without actually reading the thread, you are doing service to everyone if you are indeed stopping posting anywhere. But let me guess, pseudonyms will keep talking when they feel like that?
If you always respond verbosely without actually reading the thread, you are doing service to everyone if you are indeed stopping posting anywhere. But let me guess, pseudonyms will keep talking when they feel like that?
I read it, feel better now after reaching for the gun? ;)
Edit: I would like to offer you a “verbose” apology, take from it what you will, I’m done
Its an open market, if you are viewing this time for FTC as a premine then get out some USD and premine FTC your self. Even in the real world markets there is no such thing as a fair distribution of money, get over it and pull yourself up by the bootstraps and make something of yourself. Or you can make a time machine and go back to the beginning and premine the world.
“Its an open market, if you are viewing this time for FTC as a premine then get out some USD and premine FTC your self.”
I am doing it, but I’m worried I will profit too much. This thread is to bring attention to the problem volatility. This is supposed to be a currency, not a slot machine.
Edit: @Flobdeth, OK, I promise I’ll quit being serious. But you don’t make any mess before we do the hard work and infuse Feather with value =)
You do what you think right thing. If you can profit, do not give up the opportunity.
I hate this thread title :(
It is a sensational, trolling title. My apologies. Its purpose is to force us to think about how do we redeem the investments of those who will buy Feathercoin when its price rises 100×, and what do we do about those big holders, who have no such concerns. We have to think about it today, not after it happens.
That makes sense! Its working :)