Candy Bar Phones
I have just seen on the BBC click program from Saturday, that candy bar phones use java and are as powerfull as 1998 computers. There are open source Apps being development for them on education, games and such.
Does anyone know if a Bitcoin or even Feathercoin App has been developed for use on “Candy Bar phones” and what do you think?.
I only just got a smartphone and only use it as a portable PC anyway and am a bit busy testing. Any help or thoughts appreciated.
Hi Yes iv’e just watched the same click episode.
It seems like they are talking about nokia symbian based phones on which can run java ME and are from the generation of phones before they became “Smart”
Here is a development guide.
Ive not really looked at this before but if anyone thinks its worth while I can take a look and see If I can come up with something.
Although I’m not sure if the feathercoinj library needed to interact with the blockchain would run on this device.?