Extropy and Feathercoin
“Extropy means supporting social orders that foster freedom of communication, freedom of action, experimentation, innovation, questioning, and learning. Opposing authoritarian social control and unnecessary hierarchy and favoring the rule of law and decentralization of power and responsibility.â€
“Extropic societies are open societies that protect the free exchange of ideas, the freedom to criticize, and the liberty to experiment. Coercively suppressing bad ideas can be as dangerous as the bad ideas themselves. Better ideas must be allowed to emerge in our cultures through an evolutionary process of creation, mutation, and critical selection. The freedom of expression of an open society is best protected by a social order characterized by voluntary relationships and exchanges.†- https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/extropian-roots-bitcoin/
Really nice read of an article. Thought I would share.
Sumed up my life view in one paragraph. I guess Extropy is my new motto! :)
I didn’t know extropy was even a thing, but I honestly think that could be apart of our ethos so to speak.
This is what ftc means to me. I feel as though most coins especially bitcoin have lost their way.
This bit’s pretty awesome to…
"Coercively suppressing bad ideas can be as dangerous as the bad ideas themselves."
Basicly no idea is a bad idea unless it held and hidden from public scrutiny.
Agreed. :)