Where is team section data?
Hi I just wonder how to access data from deleted TEAM SECTION of forum???
I especially look for Farnell and Swissbit communication…
When we went slack the team section was closed. Remind me, and I’ll give you access.
Hi Mirrax, nothing is ever deleted on the forum (other than spam)
Farnell conversation can be found here https://forum.feathercoin.com/index.php?/topic/8080-top-priority-issue-from-electronica2014-farnell-gamechanger/?hl=farnell I know it’s in the team section, I’ll have a read through and see if it can’t be moved to general population, as I don’t see why it would not be to be honest.
Swissbit conversation is here https://forum.feathercoin.com/index.php?/topic/8100-my-conversation-with-hubert-from-swissbit/?hl=swissbit again, I don’t see why this can’t be in general population to be honest…
I know that an idea that has been floated for the new forum is to lessen the number of posts that are taking place in the “team” section as it allows for a more open forum to discuss the ideas that are being worked on
Especially Farnell and Swissbit deserve to be open to public.
Maybe somebody will follow up.
To be honest I resigned on Farnell project due to lack of time.
But the tremendous amout of work Tonny Muir did with his rPI kits should not be thrown away.
With Swissbit it was different story. They needed us to sign NDA but as we are not a company or legal subject it was a problem.
I remember Kris was very interested in the project.
Both project are very interesting and I would love to see all the discussion public so more people can look and hopefully participate.
PS: I cant access your links above :(