You know what I feel like doing?
I want to go make a new facebook profile, dress up as some bad-ass hooded archer (so I an actual fb picture of me, but at the same time can’t see my face), add THOUSANDS of random people as friends, then post something about Feathercoin everyday lol
Haha not really, the hardest part is probably finding clothes to make me look like Oliver in the Arrow series.
Adding people would be easy as you can just add everyone in suggested friends, find random people and add their friends as friends, and then just post a Feathercoin link once a day so it shows on people’s news feed :P
I can be like “I use Feathercoins for my arrows” lol
I used once and another one I forget the name of. oddly it does work. You get followers and likes for various social media accounts. Not sure how real most of them are or how engaging they will be as it was a test to see if it worked to get a few likes so it wouldn’t feel so empty at startup so others would join. I ran it for a week and gained a few hundred likes on a FB page I started and still have a high like count I’m happy with going forward for what I am doing with it.