Its a shame really some of these more qualified people didn’t do some development to help in the past to stop this happening.
It would be a shame if there wasn’t a long, well documented history of people doing just that.
Instead of a shame, it’s a tragedy, because these people and their development efforts were ignored, lied to, and generally treated like their contribution wasn’t valued… mostly by the leadership but also by the market at large. People who made services to enhance the blockchain’s value, wallets for the web, phones and SMS, games, ATM machines, tip bots, physical coins… you name it, at one time someone was likely either building it or talking about it. Solutions for blockchain security? Have been discussed at great length… all of them ignored.
Instead of being adopted, encouraged, highlighted, and given the same support as the main product, management chose to ignore these things, and so did the market. Instead of accepting people’s offers for help, management dug their heels in and pushed back. Instead of discussing viable solutions and encouraging collaboration, management remained non-commital, or just outright ignored them. Instead of embracing open source solutions, and crowd funded development, management hired coders on a one-off basis to code their personal ego projects using their own funds because they couldn’t get anyone to volunteer and they don’t know how to do it themselves.
No, it’s not a shame that others didn’t try and help. We have a long history documented of people trying to help. The shame lies entirely with the people who ignored them.
Who’s been banned?
I have, you were there when it happened and threw a fit to get me unbanned when Bushstar banned me. I think Calem did it himself.
I think clarification on that is important. I’d hate people to think anyone who’s speaking up is being permanantly banned. You are still here.
When you say “ban people”, you mean just you and only briefly.
I think clarification on that is important. I’d hate people to think anyone who’s speaking up is being permanantly banned. You are still here.
When you say “ban people”, you mean just you and only briefly.
Oh well that just makes it all fine, doesn’t it? I mean we can just forget about everything else because it was only for a day? We can forget about the posts of mine that are still deleted because they were ‘controversial’? Because apparently the truth is controversial…
I hope I do not end up banned for this post I decided to take this risk because it needs to be said it is not often I speak up.
I mostly read this forum and hardly post because I do not wish to join in arguements.
I have been here since August 2013 I can not comment on everything but I will comment on what I know:
The failed projects the combined markets of Feathercoin, Worldcoin and Phoenixcoin
and many others
The invoation ignored so many ideas that still could be picked up and something done with this it is not too late for us to change our fortunes.
Why ignore us all we want this coin to succeed noone can get it right 24/7 however when you get it wrong you must learn from your mistakes not keep going a mistake that gets worse and worse. I donated money at many times to this coins development however I feel we must change course fast I am still prepared to donate money to development.
We can not upset people? We will never get anywhere if we do not take risks if we do not take calculated risks we may as well give up right now. Afraid to be disliked? You must be prepared to be hated like Martin Luther King and many others was disliked by many but stood by their principles and won in the end. This is a case of people must be prepared to step out of their comfort zone we may not know the path ahead of us but we must be prepared to forge and create this path for others in the years to come to follow behind us? Their is millions of people who depend on us succeeding most of those are not on this forum and may not have heard of cryptocurrency but this is hugely important and can not under any circumstances be left to fail. I am myself a activist I have many who hate me but I keep going because the principles I stand for for a better world for all must succeed I just get on with the job despite my critics.
What brought me to Feathercoin? I want change likely similar to the reason Calem is here because Cryptocurrencies have the potential to replace damaged government currencies and the governments themselves.
Oh well that just makes it all fine, doesn’t it? I mean we can just forget about everything else because it was only for a day? We can forget about the posts of mine that are still deleted because they were ‘controversial’? Because apparently the truth is controversial…
Why delete posts if their is nothing to hide nothing to fear isnt that correct? By deleting posts and banning users who speak about problems it suggests their is things to be hidden. Bushstar I know you will likely read this I understand you may not like me by my post. However I understand some of the things that have happened unfortunately at the time was not easy decisions to make and I myself state now I very likely if put in your shoes would have likely made mistakes also I am not perfect. I myself am prepared to come out from behind a avatar on a forum and speak in person about any thoughts I am located in England and happy to travel.
Where do we go from here why not come together as one community and work towards full permenant solutions, Work towards merchant adoption work towards better services Lizhi has lead the way now is a time to work together and make this the success it will be it is never too late and can be turned around lets make it happen.
I hope I do not end up banned for this post I decided to take this risk because it needs to be said it is not often I speak up.
Nobody gets banned on here for speaking up, I promise you that. I encourage everyone to speak up. But I also encourage everyone to treat ALL members with kindness, gentleness and respect as per the forum rules.
Nobody gets banned on here for speaking up, I promise you that. I encourage everyone to speak up. But I also encourage everyone to treat ALL members with kindness, gentleness and respect as per the forum rules.
Except when they do, and they have in the past, and I see no reason why, given the absolute absurdities that continue to be perpetrated, that it won’t happen again. It’s just PURE BULLSHIT and no one should believe the obvious lies, especially when perpetrated by the worst offender of them all!
MrWyrm: I noticed how you carefully weasel-worded your way around saying the truth: People are CENSORED constantly! And you’re often the one doing it, MrWyrm, the guy now famous for going “I deem it offensive, therefore everyone should be silenced!”. Will you deem this grossly embarrassing truth offensive and delete this post too? Censoring people is not respectful, it’s not kind, and there’s NOTHING in the rules which say anything about being gentle. Technology isn’t gentle, it’s disruptive, and so are the ideas which drive it, and the people who think them.
Quit trying to shut us up. We don’t want to be silenced any more.
Come on dude there is no need to paint mrwyrm in that light. He isn’t some tyrannical dictator.
He didn’t ban you in fact he was the main person backing you to be unbanned.
Yes OK he locked a post you made mocking bush for like a couple of hours which you disagreed with and eventually he lamented and unlocked it.
Some things need to be let go. He is just a normal guy with a normal life no need to treat the guy like shit.
Oh deary me.
Wyrm never banned anyone.
ok i read that after responding.
Kev, Wyrm never censored anyone or anything like that to the best of my knowladge
He’s been trying to take the middle ground this whole time because of the conflict between you and I and the rest of the team.
You are trying to paint this place as heavily censored, and it’s simply not true. Now you are trying to paint me as an mega moderator, and again that’s simply not true. I think I’m very fair and your smear campaign is nonesense. I put my time in here for free, because I like the community, you’ve been moderatred by me once that I can think of, and even that time, I backed down. IMO, there is no reason why you can’t put your argument across whilst being respectful. If me wanting that makes me a bastard, then bugger me, I’m a bastard.
I feel to blame for alot of these conflicts
were all just trying to get along and we all have bad days and we all have good days
We as community need to step up and take control
Voice our opinions no matter how unpopulair we may fear them to be.
I was the one who was the first in ftc history to hide posts that werent spam or didnt belong to myself.
I started the censor war because i was sick and tired of the infighting.
Hence why i feel as though i owe everyone this - https://forum.feathercoin.com/index.php?/topic/8426-ftcs-future/?p=73279
I was the one who was the first in ftc history to hide posts that werent spam or didnt belong to myself.
I started the censor war because i was sick and tired of the infighting.
A thread which I have since removed all the censoring from. :o
Come on dude there is no need to paint mrwyrm in that light. He isn’t some tyrannical dictator.
He didn’t ban you in fact he was the main person backing you to be unbanned.
Yes OK he locked a post you made mocking bush for like a couple of hours which you disagreed with and eventually he lamented and unlocked it.
Some things need to be let go. He is just a normal guy with a normal life no need to treat the guy like shit.
I’ll totally let it go when the continued censorship stops. It’s an ongoing problem, otherwise I wouldn’t be saying anything about it.
It IS heavily censored and you claiming it isn’t is total BULLSHIT! FFS Calem himself is equally to blame! YOU CAN’T HIDE THE TRUTH!
I’m not painting him in some light, I never said he was a tyrannical dictator, I said he’s the enemy of free speech and weasel-worded the truth when saying no one gets banned, when he’s the one responsible for deleting posts and censoring people. He’s painted himself without any brush strokes from me.
My posts REMAIN DELETED. Mocking is NOT forbidden in the rules, parody isn’t forbidden in the rules, comedy isn’t forbidden in the rules. Making a mockery of someone who has continually done things which are very much mock-worthy is a healthy part of any discourse and I don’t see him going, “Hey, you’re right, we should bring that post back and discuss it.”
Is it possible to have a forum where no one has the access to the edit button?
No banning, etc?
Like, a forum where there is no admin?
Which posts has he deleted?
Also, as I found out earlier, one can not even undelete their own posts.