Away from June 20 - June 26th
Hey everyone, I’m taking a mini vacation from June 20 - June 26th. I wanted to wait for a good time, I believe this window is perfect. I’ll continue to work on cleaning up the existing Feathercoin myths videos and get polished copies to Tuck to place on his site.
Once Bushstar wraps up some of the merchant services development, expect an even harder mainstream publicity push. With Wesphily now leading both PR and Merchant Services, we’re focused on hitting every possible webcast, forum, online magazine… you name it, we’re hitting it. I expect long hours ahead, this might be the recharge I need to get ready for the next battle. :)
This phase of our development is absolutely critical. Now that everyone knows who we are, we need to show them what we can do… what makes us different than every other coin. This is the time we add significant value to the coin. I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am to hit that next level of the Feathercoin journey.
If you need immediate assistance, please lean on your leads and global moderators. I’ll check-in whenever possible over the next week, however, replies will be delayed.
Here… we… go!
I’ve come to the conclusion that the chief reason the 51% attack even exists, is that as soon as the attacker has 50.0000000000000000001% of the hashing power, transactions with 1000s of confirmations can be invalidated. Now checkpointing works to an extent, but it’s a fugly hack. What needs to happen is the reorganization has to also incur a cost.
I’ll have a proposal in a couple days. It should be simpler to implement than installing HAL9000 into the blockchain to watch over our transactions.
Do that count as “show them what we can do?”
[quote]I’ll check-in whenever possible over the next week, however, replies will be delayed[/quote]
bah, enjoy the vacation. besides, *we* got this :P
Where you off to? Or are you just getting out of the basement ;D
Enjoy bud!!
[quote name=“T4rQu1N” post=“16568” timestamp=“1371718147”]
Where you off to? Or are you just getting out of the basement ;DEnjoy bud!!
Have a great time - you deserve it! 8)