Away for the Weekend -\> July 5 - 7
I’ll be away for the weekend from 4pm eastern Friday July 5th until Monday July 8th. I’ll have limited access during that time, please expect replies to be slightly delayed. Enjoy your weekend everyone.
Simply not good enough! Right lads, DOWN TOOLS! :P
Have a nice break (assuming it’s a break that is). :)
No rush with mine.
Thanks everyone.
- Updated the Feathercoin Team sticky
- Emailed Pyxis
- Have an important partnership meeting at 5:00pm UTC
- Emailed Zerocoin
- Contacting Art Director on new banners
Lots to do, that’s about everything I’ll have time to complete before leaving today.
Oh no… :( How could you leave us like this :'( even so, I hope you have some stress free days, enjoy.
[quote name=“Ruthie” post=“20024” timestamp=“1373037017”]
Oh no… :( How could you leave us like this :'( even so, I hope you have some stress free days, enjoy.
[/quote]Thank you! I’m sure I was getting to the same point Bush was hitting!
Checking in for just a few minutes, I’ll try to do the same late tonight after the concert.