Simple real time FTC price ticker python script
This isn’t the best script out there and most-likely someone out there has a better way of doing it, but in case others were interest, I wrote this quick python script to get the real time FTC price and convert to fiat currencies.
It’s pretty self explanatory when you look at the code, but basically it looks for the exchange rates via json.load and then compares to the previous iteration. If it’s different it prints the prices in BTC, USD, GBP, EUR, and AUD; as well as trading volumes in FTC and BTC. I’ve attached a screen shot as an example.
code is available here, as well as
Known Issues:
sometimes the connection times out and you get some red error message about being unable to establish a connection to the api feeds. Just restart the script and all is well. (I need a better solution to this, most-likely some sort of error handling)For those feeling uneasy about downloading a script from a stranger (I get it, nothing personal) here is the code to copy and paste 8):
import json
import urllib2
from pprint import pprint
import time
from time import strftime
#get initial prices and exchange rates & trading volume on script start
initial_scan = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(“”))
initial_ftcprice = initial_scan[‘ticker’][‘last’]
initial_btcusdscan = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(“”))
initial_btcusd = initial_btcusdscan[‘ticker’][‘last’]
initial_btceurscan = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(“”))
initial_btceur = initial_btceurscan[‘ticker’][‘last’]
initial_usdgbpscan = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(“”))
initial_usdgbp = initial_usdgbpscan[“rate”]
initial_usdaudscan = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(“”))
initial_usdaud = initial_usdaudscan[“rate”]
initial_volinftc = initial_scan[‘ticker’][‘vol_cur’]
initial_volinbtc = initial_scan[‘ticker’][‘vol’]
currenttime = strftime(“%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S”)
#do currency conversions from ftc-btc & btc-usd prices
initial_ftcusd = initial_ftcprice*initial_btcusd
initial_ftceur = initial_ftcprice*initial_btceur
initial_ftcgbp = initial_ftcprice*initial_btcusd*initial_usdgbp
initial_ftcaud = initial_ftcprice*initial_btcusd*initial_usdaud
#print initial prices & trading volume
print (str(initial_ftcprice) + " BTC")
print(str(initial_ftcusd) + " USD")
print(str(initial_ftceur) + " EUR")
print(str(initial_ftcgbp) + " GBP")
print(str(initial_ftcaud) + " AUD")
print(“Trading Volume: " + str(initial_volinftc) + " FTC / " + str(initial_volinbtc) + " BTC”)
print currenttime
while True:
#scan for prices & trading volume again
data = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(“”))
data2 = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(“”))
data3 = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(“”))
data4 = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(“”))
data5 = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(“”))
btcEUR = data3[‘ticker’][‘last’]
btcUSD = data2[‘ticker’][‘last’]
usdGBP = data4[“rate”]
usdAUD = data5[“rate”]
volFTC = data[‘ticker’][‘vol_cur’]
volBTC = data[‘ticker’][‘vol’]
#new prices
ftcBTC = data[‘ticker’][‘last’]
ftcUSD = ftcBTC*btcUSD
ftcEUR = ftcBTC*btcEUR
ftcGBP = ftcUSD*usdGBP
ftcAUD = ftcUSD*usdAUD
newtime = strftime(“%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S”)
#percent change in price
diff = initial_ftcprice - ftcBTC
a = abs(diff)
change = 100*a/initial_ftcprice
#are the new prices different from the old ones?
if ftcBTC != initial_ftcprice:
print (str(ftcBTC) + " BTC")
print (str(ftcUSD) + " USD")
print (str(ftcEUR) + " EUR")
print (str(ftcGBP) + " GBP")
print (str(ftcAUD) + " AUD")
print(“Trading Volume: " + str(volFTC) + " FTC / " + str(volBTC) + " BTC”)
if diff < 0:
print(“Price Change: -” + str(change) + “%”)
elif diff > 0:
print(“Price Change: +” + str(change) + “%”)
print newtime
initial_ftcprice = ftcBTC
time.sleep(1)[attachment deleted by admin]
Currently adding in CAD conversion and working on error handling so that you don’t have to restart the script on timeout. Fixed price percent change as in the current state a positive price change is displayed as a negative!
[quote name=“BatesResearch” post=“21398” timestamp=“1373655299”]
We messed with the script a little and got it working, it’s ace learnt something new aswell.
Run it in python, does what the screenshot shows. I need to work around a timeout error and figured I should round fiat prices to while Pennies. What changes have you made? I’d like to see other peoples’ tweeks and improvements. Also (going out on a limb) if you like/use/appreciate my work a donation is always appreciated ;D see signature -
If I can find a PXC and WDC API feed I’ll put them in as well.FYI you can get the latest version of python at
[quote name=“BatesResearch” post=“21445” timestamp=“1373717558”]
We need only display the FTC/GBP value so we edited the script to just show that. We are building a FTC website including prices, mining information etc so if we use this script we will definitely send a donation to you.Thank you
[/quote]Anything not involved in the currency converting you don’t need just comment out with #. I’ve added CAD conversion, fixed the percent change to be correct, and rounded fiat prices to whole pennies. Will post updated script tomorrow after a couple more tweeks. I need to learn php so I can port it for websites, right now this only works on your desktop/laptop.
Latest version now converts ftc price to usd/gbp/eur/aud/cad to whole value pennies (0.01), percent price diff now displays correct sign(i.e. up or down), and some timeout errors are handled. Note some server errors may still occur due to an inability to contact the host site for the prices - I am currently trying to work around these but I hope you enjoy this version :D
download: & paste code:
import json
import urllib2
from pprint import pprint
import time
from time import strftime
import math
import httplib
#get initial prices and exchange rates & trading volume on script start
initial_scan = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(“”))
initial_ftcprice = initial_scan[‘ticker’][‘last’]
initial_btcusdscan = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(“”))
initial_btcusd = initial_btcusdscan[‘ticker’][‘last’]
initial_btceurscan = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(“”))
initial_btceur = initial_btceurscan[‘ticker’][‘last’]
initial_usdgbpscan = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(“”))
initial_usdgbp = initial_usdgbpscan[“rate”]
initial_usdaudscan = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(“”))
initial_usdaud = initial_usdaudscan[“rate”]
initial_usdcadscan = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(“”))
initial_usdcad = initial_usdcadscan[“rate”]
initial_volinftc = initial_scan[‘ticker’][‘vol_cur’]
initial_volinbtc = initial_scan[‘ticker’][‘vol’]
currenttime = strftime(“%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S”)
#do currency conversions from ftc-btc & btc-usd prices
initial_ftcusd = math.ceil(initial_ftcprice*initial_btcusd*100)/100
initial_ftceur = math.ceil(initial_ftcprice*initial_btceur*100)/100
initial_ftcgbp = math.ceil(initial_ftcprice*initial_btcusd*initial_usdgbp*100)/100
initial_ftcaud = math.ceil(initial_ftcprice*initial_btcusd*initial_usdaud*100)/100
initial_ftccad = math.ceil(initial_ftcprice*initial_btcusd*initial_usdcad*100)/100
#print initial prices & trading volume
print (str(initial_ftcprice) + " BTC")
print (str(initial_ftcusd) + " USD")
print (str(initial_ftceur) + " EUR")
print (str(initial_ftcgbp) + " GBP")
print (str(initial_ftcaud) + " AUD")
print (str(initial_ftccad) + " CAD")
print (“Trading Volume: " + str(initial_volinftc) + " FTC / " + str(initial_volinbtc) + " BTC”)
print currenttime
print (“==================================================”)
while True:
#scan for prices & trading volume again
data = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(“”, timeout = 3))
data2 = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(“”, timeout = 3))
data3 = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(“”, timeout = 3))
data4 = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(“”, timeout = 3))
data5 = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(“”, timeout = 3))
data6 = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(“”, timeout = 3))
except (urllib2.HTTPError, urllib2.URLError, httplib.BadStatusLine, SSLError) as err:
print (“Unable to load source for ticker!”)
btcEUR = data3[‘ticker’][‘last’]
btcUSD = data2[‘ticker’][‘last’]
usdGBP = data4[“rate”]
usdAUD = data5[“rate”]
usdCAD = data6[“rate”]
volFTC = data[‘ticker’][‘vol_cur’]
volBTC = data[‘ticker’][‘vol’]
#new prices
ftcBTC = data[‘ticker’][‘last’]
ftcUSD = math.ceil(ftcBTC*btcUSD*100)/100
ftcEUR = math.ceil(ftcBTC*btcEUR*100)/100
ftcGBP = math.ceil(ftcUSD*usdGBP*100)/100
ftcAUD = math.ceil(ftcUSD*usdAUD*100)/100
ftcCAD = math.ceil(ftcUSD*usdCAD*100)/100
newtime = strftime(“%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S”)
#percent change in price
diff = initial_ftcprice - ftcBTC
a = abs(diff)
change = math.ceil(100*100*a/initial_ftcprice)/100
#are the new prices different from the old ones?
if ftcBTC != initial_ftcprice:
print (str(ftcBTC) + " BTC")
print (str(ftcUSD) + " USD")
print (str(ftcEUR) + " EUR")
print (str(ftcGBP) + " GBP")
print (str(ftcAUD) + " AUD")
print (str(ftcCAD) + " CAD")
print(“Trading Volume: " + str(volFTC) + " FTC / " + str(volBTC) + " BTC”)
if diff < 0:
print(“Price Change: +” + str(change) + “%”)
elif diff > 0:
print(“Price Change: -” + str(change) + “%”)
print newtime
initial_ftcprice = ftcBTC
time.sleep(1)[attachment deleted by admin]
[quote name=“BatesResearch” post=“22561” timestamp=“1374451722”]
Excellent script, currently working with it and trying to figure out how to host on my project website.Thanks Again. Once all is working ill send a donation your way.
I’m still working on the SSLError as I’m not handling it properly. Also I’ve noticed if you change the sleep times to at least 1 minute the servers the script calls are less likely to reject the communication - which results in the timeout errors -
[quote name=“BatesResearch” post=“27024” timestamp=“1378119815”]
Thanks d2, but I’m looking for a system to show FTC/GBP.Sp495 has already created an amazing script which when cut down just shows FTC/GBP but I’m trying to work how to get it displayed on a website
[/quote]To parse and display:
[url=][/url]To simply display:
[url=][/url] -
[quote name=“BatesResearch” post=“27035” timestamp=“1378129467”]
WOW. Who made this or was I that blind that I totally missed it.That is exactly what am I looking for.
With the name UKMark I guessed your based in the UK, if your ever near Manchester let me know Ill buy you a few drinks
[/quote]Yes you missed it :'(
I’m near Liverpool so you may not want to buy me that pint. :DBTW more info on the API and its uses can be found here: