\[ANN\] \[PPLNS\] \[Stratum\] \[BLOCK REWARDS\] \[0% Fee\] \[30 Confirms\] ~ nut2pools.com
I have been mining for over 2 days with not one deposit made into my FTC wallet. Whats up?
Its accepting my work and I entered my proper wallet id.
Can you confirm your username?
My guess is that your payout limit has not been reached. The minimum is set to 10 and if you are who I think you are (there’s no Piedaddy on the pool) then you are only at 7.
You can check this by looking at the left hand status bar under “FTC Account Balance > Confirmed” and compare that to the “Automatic Payout Threshold” set in “My Account”.
If you want to access your funds quicker you can “Cash Out” which will override the auto payout limit.
[quote name=“Nutnut” post=“24993” timestamp=“1376036300”]
Can you confirm your username?My guess is that your payout limit has not been reached. The minimum is set to 10 and if you are who I think you are (there’s no Piedaddy on the pool) then you are only at 7.
You can check this by looking at the left hand status bar under “FTC Account Balance > Confirmed” and compare that to the “Automatic Payout Threshold” set in “My Account”.
If you want to access your funds quicker you can “Cash Out” which will override the auto payout limit.
[/quote]Ahh so there is a minimum payout on the anonymous (No login needed) node. That would explain it then.
Ah, are you on the p2p node ([url=http://ftcp2p.nut2pools.com:19327]ftcp2p.nut2pools.com:19327[/url])?
If so, you posted in the wrong thread. ;)
The p2pool thread is here… http://forum.feathercoin.com/index.php?topic=1762.0
What’s your wallet address?
Someone is mining on my p2pool server with an invalid address and as a result the payments are going to the default payout address (mine).
Whoever is 6fmAsR81RCkzgfZVoqekwQDZ2HMFg5oU3h1 needs to check their address.
Piedaddy - is that you?
Now added a 5ftc reward to the block finder. This reward comes from my earnings and NOT the pools earning so no-one loses out except me. ;)
Fixed an error on the mobile theme that always showed the workers as inactive.
Thanks rob_1990 for pointing that out! :D
Wow! In what can only be described as the worst round ever, i’m going to reward the finder of the next block with 50FTC from my own pocket!
[quote name=“Nutnut” post=“25758” timestamp=“1376728231”]
Wow! In what can only be described as the worst round ever, i’m going to reward the finder of the next block with 50FTC from my own pocket!Nut
[/quote]game on 8)
and the winner is ;D
of all the people it had to be you! :P
[quote name=“handyrandyrc” post=“26081” timestamp=“1377188098”]
I have joined the swarm. I’m a bit of a lightweight, but consistency and duration is my goal. I’m in for the long haul.
[/quote]sweeet! :D
Your WDC estimate is currently half of the actual expected. I don’t think you doubled the block rewards in the estimate code when WDC had its last patch. NBD ;) good work love all the pools
all of the pools down?
Fine here.
Still seeing an issue?
Ftc pps is 100% up and running here for my miners
It was working a minute ago, but now i cant see the website again.
“Oops! Google Chrome could not find wdc.nut2pools.com”
same thing as this morning…hmmm
Working fine all day for me.
You unable to access all sites?
yeah all of them are the same message
This is very weird, sites are fine for everyone else and you are mining along on the ftcpps pool (not the wdc pool though) so you can access the server.
Have you tried another browser? Also do you have a smartphone/other device that you can use so you are off your Internet connection (thinking ISP may have a dns or routing issue). Maybe if you can VPN somewhere so your ip/routes change, maybe tor?
If you have Skype add me, nut2pools, and we’ll thrash it out. I’ll be around after about 12.00 BST (client meetings…). I think there’s a DNS Issue somewhere as your miners are still mining. I bet if you stopped them they wouldn’t restart.
Be good to find out where the issue lies in case I need to kick my hosting provider. ;)