Are you following @Feathercoin on Twitter?
You should be because we got it off the squatter!
(Please don’t write anything on that post, I don’t want to antagonise him as I am still working on the Facebook)
Big shout out to my guys Tony and Alexis at Twitter for making it happen.
Could someone link up one of those hilarious animated giffs that can help to express the delight and sense of moral justice that I am feeling right now?
I dont have anything animated :(
But freaking good job :D
[quote name=“MrFeathers” post=“25620” timestamp=“1376525865”]
Congratulations! ;D[url=][/url]
How the squatter probably feels right now:
[url=][/url]How you should feel right now:
[url=][/url]What we all feel reading this news: [url=][/url]
And finally, this sums up how badly I want to antagonize the former squatter: [url=][/url]
[/quote]Very few things on screen crack me up like that. Thanks so much, they were brilliant.
I don’t know what Twitter is but, nice one…