Feature request from Flibbr.com
@Flibbr asked me to pass this on in the trollbox:
“chrisj, I will put [FTC] on my site if you can provide one thing: a /unspent/address api to list unspent outputs for an address… I was going to implement LTC but got no /unspent api so useless for my web wallets.”
He says he posted this on LTC forum but was not liking the responses:
http://forum.litecoin.net/index.php/topic,5957.0.htmlHe says it is the same as http://blockchain.info/api/blockchain_api -> http://blockchain.info/unspent?active=$address
Sounds like a good opportunity to help a fellow entrepreneur.
Interesting. I can look into this, if someone has some code or psudeo code for this task that would be appreciated. I could at least put this into our API and thrash it to see how the server handles it.
He can always parse the HTML ::)
I am sure I have seen the ability to list the balance of a specified Feathercoin address…
Oh yes; In my API :'(
[quote][b]Query API:[/b]
[i]api.feathercoin.com/?address=ADDRESS&output=getbalance[/i] - Returns all balance details for any given Feathercoin address in JSON data output.
[b]NOTE:[/b] Does not verify the validty of the entered ADDRESS against the blockchain.[/quote]So for example:
Anyway ask him if this API will suffice…
[quote name=“UKMark” post=“28193” timestamp=“1379250547”]
He can always parse the HTML ::)I am sure I have seen the ability to list the balance of a specified Feathercoin address…
Oh yes; In my API :'(
[quote][b]Query API:[/b]
[i]api.feathercoin.com/?address=ADDRESS&output=getbalance[/i] - Returns all balance details for any given Feathercoin address in JSON data output.
[b]NOTE:[/b] Does not verify the validty of the entered ADDRESS against the blockchain.[/quote]So for example:
Anyway ask him if this API will suffice…
[/quote]I don’t think this will fit the bill, since he’s specifically asking for [u][i]unspent inputs[/i][/u]. Might I suggest you add a ‘output=unspentinputs’?