Proposal: Feathercoin Mediation
We should institute A Feathercoin Mediation Process within this community made up for a Black Ops Special Forces of mediators. This could also include[b] an anonymous complaints process[/b] so that if anyone has any concerns they can bring it up with a special task force.
These mediators will be hand picked from the community and will serve independently of the developers and other staff members. This is because we value the input of every member on this forum and want to work harder on making sure everyone is listened to without descending in to a flame war which undermines the whole process.
We are here because we share a common purpose and we are here to serve on behalf of the idea.
I put it to you the community that the selection criteria of these mediators will be based on their [b]ability over time to respond to disputes in a measured tone[/b] and [b]not responding to or with personal attacks[/b]. They will have demonstrated over tens of posts that they have the ability during a dispute to[b] tell a story that sounds true to all sides in the debate[/b].
These people should be honoured and have [b]have their own category at the top level of the forum[/b] where they can discuss on going issues.
Please see this post [url=,3742.0.html][Action Item] Mediators Wanted[/url] for more details on what makes a good mediator.
Questions that come to mind:
[*]Should mediators be moderators?[*]Should all moderators adhere to the standards of a mediator given that this is very rare and precious skill?
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Damm I tought this is Feathercoin [b]Meditation[/b] thread ;) ;D