Configuring cgminer with different GPU
I have some difficulty optimizing my mining rig.
Could you please help me to fix my parameters?I use 2 * 7870 and 2 * 7970 with the following parameters :
[i]cgminer.exe --scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u * -p * --worksize 256 -v 1 -g 2 -I 13,13,13,13 --gpu-engine 1075 --gpu-memclock 1500 --shaders 2048 --thread-concurrency 8192 --lookup-gap 2 --gpu-fan 100 --no-submit-stale
with this I have 750kH per 7970, but only 350kH per 7870 :'( .I know I can get close to 450kH per 7870 with intensity at 19.
It works well if I unplug the 7970.My problem is that when I try to mix card and intensity I have got a lot of refused proof of work on 7870 and hashrate is reduced to 600kH on 7970.
I am thinking to replace my 7870 by a 7970, but before that, I would like to know if you have any idea to fix this.
Best Regards
had the same issue when i mixed 7950 and 7970.
had to choose the optimal for one off em.
if i did both with best settings it didnt work.i tried alot of different stuff, but in the end had to give up
and choose best for one off the models -
Thanks svennand, that was my guess too.
By the way, thank for your great mining pool! ;)
[quote name=“moafred” post=“30925” timestamp=“1381488503”]
Thanks svennand, that was my guess too.By the way, thank for your great mining pool! ;)
[/quote]NP, and thanks, we are proud of our pool ;D
[quote name=“lizhi” post=“30950” timestamp=“1381504859”]
Why is my speed, volatility 50%
[/quote]what do you mean? the khash goes up and down?
sounds like you have amd autotuning on and do not set it in cgminer.
so when card “overheat” it throttles down -
[quote name=“Murphy1138” post=“33069” timestamp=“1383326198”]
I have the same issue with 5830 and 5850 in a rig, with optimal setting on there own, the 5850 gets 330KHS and the 5830 does 272KHS, with both in the same rig they best I can get is 270khs with the 5850 and 230 with the 5830 :(
[/quote]There have been plenty of posts like this on here too. I wish there was a dedicated scrypt miner developer as problems like this could be fixed. Best thing to do is run all of the same cards within a rig.
[quote name=“moafred” post=“30917” timestamp=“1381481538”]
I have some difficulty optimizing my mining rig.
Could you please help me to fix my parameters?I use 2 * 7870 and 2 * 7970 with the following parameters :
[i]cgminer.exe --scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u * -p * --worksize 256 -v 1 -g 2 -I 13,13,13,13 --gpu-engine 1075 --gpu-memclock 1500 --shaders 2048 --thread-concurrency 8192 --lookup-gap 2 --gpu-fan 100 --no-submit-stale
with this I have 750kH per 7970, but only 350kH per 7870 :'( .I know I can get close to 450kH per 7870 with intensity at 19.
It works well if I unplug the 7970.My problem is that when I try to mix card and intensity I have got a lot of refused proof of work on 7870 and hashrate is reduced to 600kH on 7970.
I am thinking to replace my 7870 by a 7970, but before that, I would like to know if you have any idea to fix this.
Best Regards
[/quote]You have to optimize your script with separation by commas like you have for intensity already but you have to “program” each card via comma separation for intensity, shaders, thread concurrency etc, engine clock, mem clock, and everything else. Configure each card based on their optimum values and you should be able to run very happily on a mixed system.