Intesting quote from an interview
[quote name=“mnstrcck” post=“32856” timestamp=“1383150125”]
Meh, he was framing the questions with a clear bias - but Koolio kinda just dodged taking the bait.
He’s definitely not a good interviewer.
Oh well, we carry on.
[/quote]he kinda hurt himself on that one.
dont think koolio appriciated how wdc did that interview in regards to that question
never shit where you eat? seems alot of coins do that. people are more busy with hurting other coins than to develop/evolve their own.
imo he missed the opportunity to get some good questions@koolio.kinda nice though to know that even when he is interviewing the legend koolio he cant stop thinking of us :D
It’s just how xodianbarr is, I see him everywhere just trying to put WDC on a pedestal so it’s no surprise to me.
I agree with ghostlander though, a public face of a community shouldn’t be allowed to have his ego deride others, falsely or otherwise. In this case, he’s slyly trying to get a slip of the tongue from koolio to discredit Feathercoin. While I like WDC, I can’t say the same about some of its members.
[url=]WDC 51% attacked, but is now fixed thanks to Real Solid.[/url]
WDC has got its 1st big 51% attack with double spending yesterday. Not a big deal for FTC as we have had quite a few of these. What amuses me is that their development team (or whatever) had to ask RS to fix it up in the old way by setting up checkpoints and rolling up a client update to fork the block chain before the attack. No doubt many miners will be happy of losing their coins mined.
WDC devs, welcome to the real world. You wanted to play ball with big boys, so you have it.
Continuing the conversation from ->
Please, all are reminded to remain civil.
Continuing the conversation from ->
Please, all are reminded to remain civil.
+1 to that.
This is the link to replies I made pertaining to this Topic:
Reminds me of the FUD I came across here from the worldcoin member necrodiety.
I like Worldcoin and that type of FUD is bad for all coins.
Thanks Tony ;)
Well done on your comments in that last thread pyxis! +1 rep (or whatever its called now)
Reminds me of the FUD I came across here from the worldcoin member necrodiety.
I like Worldcoin and that type of FUD is bad for all coins.
Thanks Tony ;)
Yes, this is exactly why I am here trying to clear up what is a misunderstanding. My previous post gave a response to all the questions raised in this topic regarding the Interview and my inflammatory question. FUD is a strong word though - has it yet recovered to the price it was during UNOCS?
~~ Xodianbarr ~~
Yes it is and yes it has.
Whoops I’m always causing trouble me!
The only issue I have with your reply to me in your thread is you say all 3 coins were in the shitter after UNOCS but in your interview you seem to point towards PXC and FTC’s troubles yet WDC have improved dramatically!
I personally hope all 3 coins do well!
Whoops I’m always causing trouble me!
The only issue I have with your reply to me in your thread is you say all 3 coins were in the shitter after UNOCS but in your interview you seem to point towards PXC and FTC’s troubles yet WDC have improved dramatically!
I personally hope all 3 coins do well!
Yes, at that time (When Scharmbeck was revealed) PXC was pretty much dead in the water and FTC’s price was declining steeply. WDC at that time had improved from a low price of 0.000026 up to 0.00018 (at it’s peak) while FTC had dropped from 0.00110 to 0.00065ish and was showing no signs of improvement. Of course things are pretty different now ;) Worldcoin is in decline and Feathercoin is steadily improving!
~~ Xodianbarr ~~
It’s been a crazy few months for all coins including BTC, the reason I posted the link and quote was because at the time I personally thought the FTC community was the best and most dedicated and certainly not a failure… and I still do.
It’s been a crazy few months for all coins including BTC, the reason I posted the link and quote was because at the time I personally thought the FTC community was the best and most dedicated and certainly not a failure… and I still do.
Don’t worry about it buddy. I don’t bear a grudge - I just don’t want decent people thinking ill of me. It is good that you are supportive towards your community - that is an admirable trait.
~~ Xodianbarr ~~