Has anyone sent, "Please add FTC to your exchange" BTC China
Was just wandering if there is any push for FTC on the new China Exchange, now that it has become the biggest Bitcoin exchange above Gox.
China are going mad for bitcoin at the moment, and as there is a pop of over 1billion and only 31 million bitcoins that will ever be created, I think there may not be enough to go round ;D -
With how quickly bitcoin has been adopted, and the chinese people’s understanding and embrace of technology, I would of thought that there is plenty of room for all three and more. :)
Once we get input from lizhi we should definitely plan how we can be most effective in introducing Feathercoin to these new markets.
We should focus our efforts on the Chinese market!
[b]And we have to react quickly! Because the higher the LTC/$ exchange rate goes, the more scrypt miners will mine LTC. Which means our hashrate drops and we become vulnerable[/b].
We’re better be quick with that ;)
business@btcchina.com this is at the bottom of the home page
mail sent
mail sent.
Well done guys :)
mail sent ;D Hold tight riders LOL
Mail sent! :)
Also I think that we should target Singapore, I saw a news report the other day on BBC about declining high street shopping because of internet shopping, and in the report they were referring to shopping habits and point of sale technology in Singapore, and how the retail sector is booming thanks to NFC near field communication.
For those that don’t know, it’s where you would wave your enabled phone/credit card over a receiver on the counter to make payment for your item, according to the report nobody in Singapore carries cash, all transactions are done this way.
It would be a great vehicle for any crypto currency. -
Post here if you’ve contacted BTCChina.
Chinese foreign exchange controls still exist ,the yuan is still not self-redemption. Therefore ,China Exchange FTC may be higher than international market prices. Currently bitcoin exchange commitments primarily by demand .