Help : contact nutnut p2pool server down \[contacted\]
Help : contact nutnut p2pool server down. Looks like the p2pool server problem reoccurred, however is playing up as well.
Is this something that need more looking at or is just me?
[b][size=8pt]d2: Title edit so everyone doesn’t spam nutnut[/size][/b]
Please feel free to Skype me or pm me if you have any issues with nut2pools. Server is down again (this is only for the p2pool). Nutnut is working on it.
Cheers for that Svennand, I’ll remember to contact you if it happens again…
Maybe one day I will buy a mobile or have a go on (micro$ofts / n$a’s) skype, then again, probably not. Have to stick with email / pm / bitmessage.
Looks like that Nutnut’s p2pool is down for good. :'(
I’m using instead. I like the idea of supporting p2pool. No registration and helps diversify the network.
Any recommends for an alternate p2pool in the UK?
:LOST CONTACT WITH BITCOIND for 1.5 minutes! Check that it isn’t frozen or dead!
Are we sure there’s not something up with p2pool? is still playing up. Bit of a co-incidence?
Hm, i do not see an issue with my p2pool. It’s running the updated version that i created and is connected to 4 peers. Hashrate of the overall p2pool is slowly increasing. 8 MH/s right now…
I don’t think it’s something p2pool specific. Old or new version should be fine…