First sign of real threat to Bitcoin?
What if there was a way to transmit bitcoins information without the use of the internet, with software built into the wallet that transmits a signal from your mobile (thats where my wallet is) to other users nearby or something like that?
All I think this will do is make proxying more mainstream.
An example is that when I travel for work, I never use an internet connection in the normal sense, I always tunnel everything through an SSH tunnel to one of my VPS machines. This for 2 reasons, security-wise I don’t trust connections I can’t control, and I don’t want to be restricted from accessing specific content because of the location I’m in or carrier I happen to be using.
This is so ridiculously easy to set up, it could easily be packaged and scripted and used all the time if my own providers started dicking about, I don’t see it as a technological problem, although idealogically I think it’s very bad.
Just trying to point out the fight back never comes from the front.
“Goodbye Internet Weev” …
[img width=200][/img]
Reminds me of radar. . .radar detectors . . .lazer. . . .lazer detectors. . . laws. . . .scramblers. . .on and on it goes. The fight to control vs the fight to be free.
Isn’t it ironic that the most productive societies are the ones with the least laws and controls. It is just time for human creativity to be set free. . .completely! This is why I am involved with crypto, freedom.
~//~ -
The FCC need to get their act together. Free Web? Where? >:(
[quote name=“FTClover” post=“53268” timestamp=“1390072702”]
What if there was a way to transmit bitcoins information without the use of the internet, with software built into the wallet that transmits a signal from your mobile (thats where my wallet is) to other users nearby or something like that?
[/quote]FTCLover I am really concerned that you are mentally ill, please go to a doctor urgently, before you do more damage to members or yourself.
Now that he found his phone, he’s 100% SANE.