Volunteer Wanted
As I suggested in my [url=http://forum.feathercoin.com/index.php/topic,6958.0.html]Mobile Wallets[/url] thread I have now set up a [url=http://forum.feathercoin.com/index.php/topic,7048.0.html]Community Pay Back P2Pool[/url]
So I’m looking for a trusted Staff or Hero member to hold the fruits of it’s labour until the community vote on a worthy cause for it’s spending.
I know at the moment we are not talking big numbers but I’m hoping over time that a few more members will chip in some hashes to help push things along a little, and a little good news today my supplier is willing to wavier the hosting fees till at least the end of Feb so there’s a little more to go into the pot :)
So if any of you Staff or Hero members would be kind enough to volunteer to be keeper of the purse strings, can you please reply to this post, I will then hold a poll for a couple of days to give everyone the chance to have a say to keep things as fair and open as possible.
Thanks in advance
I volunteer as tribute!!!. But seriously I hope someone picks this up. Come Monday I am dedicating my rigs to this pool. I know a few more people who have said they will be joining as well. A lot of them are waiting to reach their payout thresholds on their current pools.
[quote name=“motherlode1” post=“54384” timestamp=“1390499122”]
Come Monday I am dedicating my rigs to this pool. I know a few more people who have said they will be joining as well. A lot of them are waiting to reach their payout thresholds on their current pools.
[/quote]That’s great news