P2pool cloud:estimated time to block=5h 28min, but no block found since 48h?
I just noticed, that the feathercoin p2pool cloud didn’t find a single block for two days now, while running at ~35 Mhash and calculating time to block around 5.5h.
I think that’s possible, but not normal .
Is anything wrong here? Other pools running at comparable hash rates find blocks at the calculated 5.x hours rate.
Hm. From my pool logfile:
2014-01-26 13:54:04.865416 GOT BLOCK FROM PEER! Passing to bitcoind! a6ca94c7 bitcoin: http://explorer.feathercoin.com/block/4325685246fdbb60f80eafdf770f68cda6ac84af6d4bada61d88b987a6ca94c7
2014-01-26 18:35:12.038288 GOT BLOCK FROM PEER! Passing to bitcoind! bdc91ec7 bitcoin: http://explorer.feathercoin.com/block/5287ab27fddc6e720acbbf7a4e87729ebd8d0b4751267a915133944ebdc91ec7
2014-01-26 23:06:39.669966 GOT BLOCK FROM PEER! Passing to bitcoind! 597fc2ae bitcoin: http://explorer.feathercoin.com/block/fc97ff827d1e8e68f00e4df95b4d8c714cc7381eeae76bb67083710e597fc2ae
2014-01-27 00:19:21.181779 GOT BLOCK FROM PEER! Passing to bitcoind! 24642e34 bitcoin: http://explorer.feathercoin.com/block/0e0918d0fe5fc760830ad148509eec3b59be3caf04e97db64dadb12724642e34
2014-01-28 06:04:33.705816 GOT BLOCK FROM PEER! Passing to bitcoind! aacf4229 bitcoin: http://explorer.feathercoin.com/block/0facd4151fd21b2111ee9a925cb46d692d4455d0f88970d3b04c82e0aacf4229
Does not look too bad so far… You should have received FTC at roughly these times while mining on the FTC p2pool(s) ?
I got my last payment on 26th.
I was mining at 27th around 7pm, but not this morning at 6am.
so it seems, that there was simply ‘bad luck’ on the p2pools ;)so let me rephrase my question: why are no recent blocks shown on the pools websites?
I thought, that the blocks of the last 24 hours are shown under ‘recent blocks’
[edit] just after I posted a found block is shown on the web page of the p2pools.
can it be, that the block from 27th 7.xx pm was orphaned?
Check out Terracoin attack, in Feathercoin security…
I have never seen a day on p2pool with no block find, and the (Genral Feathercoin) hash rate was low (So we should have done better).
Everything seems to be back to normal at the moment:
time to block = 5h 34 minutes
Time between the last two blocks found: ~ 5 hours 15 minutes