Feathercoin Released - Hard fork on block 204,639
The precompiled linux binaries are updated, too.
You can find the links on the homepage here.
Is there a wget link I could use to update my p2pool server with the new Linux Binary?
I have the new Feathercoin up and running. Synking right fine, albeit the blockchain is the one from the old wallet…
Thx guys for the timely release!
Installing Fresh . on pc and getting stuck on block 33,582?
Have reinstalled twice today but keeps stoping at this block and will not go further any ideas?
Same problem as others - stuck at block 33,582
I have done all the usual tricks to get it moving and all have failed. I have asked my Feathercoin group and everyone that re-installed the client is stuck here as well.
Support thread on this issue:
Do you sure that feathercoind need to reinstall ? FTC pool must git and compile code again ?
All sync issue post mopped into support thread here https://forum.feathercoin.com/index.php?/topic/6946-v0861-stuck-at-block-33582-for-many/
I have sent PM’s to users to inform them
Good work! Is it not possible to build an automatic update function into the client?
Hi guys,
Can you make an entry for the new version here:
This release was and as now been updated to which provides a fix for the full chain sync issue reported by several users.
There seems to be a problem with the links on the homepage.
Until this is fixed you can find the pre-compiled Linux binaries here:
There are binaries for several Linux distributions, not just Opensuse ones on this server
Only binaries available for Linux?
I was pulling from the git repo but I’m getting the Where are the sources for the
Only binaries available for Linux?
I was pulling from the git repo but I’m getting the Where are the sources for the
Running the follow is all that is required to get the release.
git clone https://github.com/FeatherCoin/Feathercoin.git
If you are not deleting the old folder try running for the daemon.
make -f makefile.unix clean
perfect I now have the newest version running. I was keeping pulling wrom the prev version. My bad!
Thx for the help.
There seams to be some problems with the download links on the front page under certain browser conditions!
So until they are resolved if your looking for the downloads they can be obtained from the following locations:
All download issues have been moved to this support thread
Can someone post the download link to the direct feathercoin-qt.exe?
I don’t want to install it, would like to just run it.
Just checked and we have 355 blocks to go…
That looks about 12 o’clock tonight then. That means I can nip out to the shop, I thought I had to wait in for the fireworks! :)
Can someone post the download link to the direct feathercoin-qt.exe?
I don’t want to install it, would like to just run it.
If you follow the guide in Technical Development, you can compile your own version, directly from the source, in a VirtualBox.
As this is Linux it’ll run fine under windows, but is isolated from your “real” system. It also explains how you can read through the source code, by using Qt Creator to compile he source code. Now has been released you just compile the standard version.
I thought that the time had shifted a little :)
Glad about that as I have to go to the office for meetings today, and wanted to be here when it happened to see what was going on.
Ahh just remembered another wallet that needs upgrading…
Here’s a direct link for the Zipped Feathercoin.
So 173 blocks to go, that should be about 7.2 hours at 02:30 UTC. Alerts are still ticking on to the 0.8.6 releases and I have sent one last round of messages on social media. I can still see quite a lot of old clients connecting to the network. We’ve even spotted some 0.6.3 clients that stopped being compatible months ago so no idea what those guys are doing on the network. We can expect a fair few support requests tomorrow.
Clients not updated will still subscribe to the autocheckpointing node so they will get told to connect to blocks that are incompatible with the client. There is a chance that after updating they will have database errors. This is the problem we experienced last time with BDB. If this is what gets reported the solution is to stop the client, go to the data directory and delete the blk0001.dat, blkindex.dat, blocks folder and chainstate folder and then start the client again. The blockchain will have to download but the client should work fine at the end.