Please vote for FTC
How much would it cost on Amazon Mechanical Turk?
Just waiting for some coins to confirm that I mined on a multipool that Cryptsy doesn’t accept but mintpal does and then that will hopefully be enough for me to reach the trade volume to vote.
Thank everyone, We had 217 votes and up to 261, Please hold.
MNot by me yet.
The crap razor coins the multipool mined are still stuck on the pool even though I’ve tried to send them to mintpal, so still cant vote.
If anyone wants to send my some coins on Mintpal to trade to another and then I can send the traded coins back so I can vote, let me know.
Or better still tell me what the minimum trade required to vote is and I will send some doge over to trade so I can vote
I can vote every hour, If you sell 0.01btc, you will can vote. I regeister two account, vote about 20 vote every day.
Today , had 239 votes , at 254 .
**FIFA world cup, **feather and football, exciting. >:D
traded enough to meet the quota today and got 4 or so votes in.
Thank everyone , We go to 237 ,FTC had 273 votes. We started miracles C:-)
Now , We had 332 votes, at 221 . laughter
sorry bro…I completely missed on this one. I’ve already started voting, let’s see if it makes some difference!
I am voting from time to time, it feels good ;)
365 votes now and 214 place, now big push everyone just another 22083 to the top position. :)
WIth the number of people that own feathercoin in reality we should be able to do that in a few days if everyone voted.
365 votes now and 214 place, now big push everyone just another 22083 to the top position. :)
WIth the number of people that own feathercoin in reality we should be able to do that in a few days if everyone voted.
Your vote is very important for all of us, please vote with us and lead the way so others can join!
Today , We had 422 votes, at 204 . hold
Voted 3 times today, going to vote more.
Just 12 more votes needed to get to position 200, lets get there tonight
Just 12 more votes needed to get to position 200, lets get there tonight
Now ,FTC get to position 200, 461 votes. ^-^
Now ,FTC get to position 200, 461 votes. ^-^
Lets call it 462 ;)
615 guys… and counting.
We just had to start voting together and frequently to dramaticly rise our position. Let’s keep it this way!
BTW I’m almost voting every hour of the day as I’m sitting in front of my pc all day long! :o
Yes! It is moving, Lizhi succesfully started it!
We can do it, vote, vote, vote :)
Today , We had 650 votes, pos at 178 . Let’s keep it this way!