Sharing our electronic FTC projects with a wider audience
Just wondering if we have ever looked at sharing some of our FTC related electronic projects with sites like ‘Make’
The Feathercoin ATM, point of sale device or my arcade machine payment device are prime candidates for it I would say.
It could even help bring Feathercoin to a wider audience, and what a win it would be if one of the projects actually ended up in the ‘Make’ magazine.
The MagPi magazine is also another possibility for any projects based on the Raspberry Pi.
I’m sure other people can think of other websites or magazines we could also use to post our projects and raise FTC’s profile
Thats an excelent idea.
Do you need any help with its execution?
I’ll look into it over the next few days and decide if the Make or the MagPi is the best for me to submit something to and then go from there.
Make if they put it up as a project will reach a bigger audience, whilst MagPi would reach more people interested about doing things with Raspberry Pis
Sorry, done a couple of spelling edits, changed “are” to “our” in title.
No problems was posted late at night, the day before I was going back on call for work, so brain was probably a bit fuzzy around the edges.
Great idea in general, to think of other ways to get people involvement in projects.
I was an industrial supervisor for PhD students at Manchester University. I also supervised student projects at the company I worked for, which started in Manchester University as a lecturer consultanty project.
So, I am well aware that lecturers and teacher are always after student projects. That is why I have continued to note potential projects in [Dev], such that they can be taken up.
I am a bit too ill to start contacting all the local Universities and colleges that might be able to help with software updates or taking over management of a Github project. Even a school could choose certain projects and have student positions such that they get experience by doing those tasks for real.
This also shows starting a Github, for instance, to register new projects like the hardware is a good idea. Even if you can’t initially develop or manage it, it is a seed project.
Also, it would help when Feathercoin gets a usable “open source” project/Task management system going. Although that is not for trying, we did had a number of proposed and active innovative Task systems before the old web site was hacked. No other system is synching to our requirements and perhaps the forum will just turn out to be the ideas melting pot.