Size of Debug.log on feathercoind
I put this here as it is more easy to notice and none of the other sections are exactly appropriate. Most pool masters will know this, but us mortals, solo mining or with home p2pool, might have missed it.
On a GNU/ Linux server debug information is stored to the hidden .feathercoin directory. I already knew the debug.log file can grow quite large.
Like bitcoind, feathercoind will delete the file when it gets larger than 10 GB. However, that is only done when the system restarts and my pool has now been running 110 days and the file has got to 5 GB.
I’ve looked into how to handle this. I didn’t want to just delete the file as it has been useful for network analysis, however, at the moment I need the system to look after itself, so I am implementing Gavins solution from
in the home director I have created a file ftc_logrotate.conf file:
# Rotate the feathercoind debug.log file
# This should be added to crontab to be run every day:
# /usr/sbin/logrotate /path/to/ftc_logrotate.conf
copytruncate/home/pool/.feathercoin/debug.log {
rotate 5
}and then set up a daily cron job with
crontab -e
then added these lines.
# Rotate feathercoind logs
0 8 * * * /usr/sbin/logrotate --state /home/pool/.feathercoin/logrotate.state /home/pool/ftc_logrotate.confIn this case pool is my user name (pool) so you will need to adjust that.