Raspberry PI Feathercoin Tweet bot to Neoscrypt
The core code has now been tested for my Raspberry Pi to look up the current block and tweet it.
This will now be developed into a countdown tweeter for the Neoscrypt Hardfork, so it is ready when we announce when the Hardfork is taking place.
There are bound to be a few more test tweets before it is all ready, but if you want to follow it from now you can from here
I will announce once it is finished so if you would prefer not to get my test tweets as I finish writing the code you can choose to follow it then.
Looks great. :)
Need a good avatar for this for Twitter, not sure if I should just use one of the FTC logos, or does someone have something better?
Or if we have anyone graphically inclined that can someone incorporate a clock or stopwatch with the FTC symbol that would be great.
I’ve used the feathercoin website header and a logo from the graphics section, for the twitter page header and avatar photos, I’m assuing that is ok since they have been made available to download.
If there are any problems with me using these for the twitter bot let me know.
Code finished testing it now without the tweets to prove my code