Brilliant Lecture on Copy Right - Must Watch
Absolutely brilliant talk.
He also suggests something that I think could provide the basic formula for a fair PoS…
Uninsured Murderer Insurance. ROFL!
Very interesting.
I’ve been discussing voting with Chrisj. Basically its been mathematically proved that all voteing is unfair. In the new open source environment it looks like we will move to a task based system, as opposed to a job based system. For community involvement voting might be used but with Cube root proportionality of distribution of resources.
This would get over the problem of personalities having disproportional effect on the use of resources.
Wrapper, that sounds very interesting. Could you expand on this concept please? I’d love to know more.
One of the main problems with voting systems is they have been proved mathematically to be unfair. They don’t represent the intentions or the best interests of the voters.
When Feathercoin started we came across a similar problem. As a community coin we added the opportunity for members to vote on various ideas or actions.
At the time I discussed with ChrisJ that blindly following the vote would have horribly skewed our efforts to those requested by a vocal few. As an “open source project” with no “employment” incentive we need to have “members” work on projects they wanted, by promoting unpopular projects (with developers) might loose those members input.
In our case it is a bit like the problem you get training “neural nets”, unless there are hundreds of thousands of inputs the vote is statistically meaningless, as a measure of “need”. Also unless those nodes are “all trained up”, the result is “sanity less”.
As someone who used to work using and developing proprietary systems, but who is now disabled and gone “open source” - I note :
A number of changes that will occur as a consequence of current “open source singularity”. From my perspective, I believe that exponential growth is happening now
In particular, for instance, how to manage Feathercoin when it is a distributed system and not supposed to be in the control of one person?
How can we set up control systems that not linked to individuals but make sane “business / development” decisions and can’t easily be taken over by a small sub set of members?.
If new anti open source Laws are lobbied by the propriety / fiat brigade, how can we continue as a community project without members being “responsible”?
Also, where’as in the past you would have Job, it is obvious that the open source future is going to be more Task orientated. It will virtually be an honour to be allowed to do work. Humans won’t be trusted with most things.
How those problems are being / could be addressed.
Task Based System
The alternative voting scheme (proportional outcome)
decentralised bounty donation to a Task
Multi signature wallet, with payout address - and small task confirm group
I think Feathercoin community has already acheived a lot in terms of membership involvement, Staff induction, Technical mentoring, guide creation, support e.t.c.
To round up, there are more tools or methods available to consider for implementing autonomous task allocation and promotion.
As an example,there may be 10 Tasks that need finance / promotion. Members might vote to give a priority order, instead of a first past the post getting all the finance. Each task has a cost / week that a bounty completer could claim. A vote could be held that automatically releases funds.
Thanks wrapper :)
Multi signature wallet, with payout address - and small task confirm group
I like this idea.