FTC's future
You’re all wrong.
Lizhi, no protocol can protect a coin that has no momentum.
Kelsey, bitcoin was meant for independent private chains not massive networks.
and done such a lovely job of late…savvy.
He did. Do your own research.
i didn’t come here to make friends, i came here to help your crypto survive.
Please make your point, but you can make it without being abusive. ;)
Its turned very nasty here since the price went south.
Take stock of your situation. Don’t rely on a price rise. And then we can all be more open minded and less biased.
Take stock of your situation. Don’t rely on a price rise. And then we can all be more open minded and less biased.
agreed, i am one of the few in the crypto community not in it for the fiat, my whole point is forget about whatever ftc v USD, that is no indication of success or fail. i see panic with in the community (and most crypto communities) when the crypto v USD is low.
i’ve come here in the past asking just the simpliest questions on this communities plans, yet as a community you have none. all the way forward here is ad hoc.
oh this didn’t work, lets do that, that didn’t work lets do this.
quiet frankly the behind the scence attitude of your main dev is appalling. he has a plan to change to POS and will work in the background on it with the sole purpose of implementing it whether or not people are against it,. like gavin in btc with increasing the block size.
i’ve expressed this before and was told i am wrong, yet here he has poped up with exactly what i was saying he’d do.
i predicted your coin would die after the last core changes (that didn’t take einstein).
you guys dont need core changes you need a purpose and a plan, the get out there and promote ftc.
There aint SHIT to promote.
The website is out of date(have reccommended a look-see, I know web based CMS systems), the blockchain explorer is dead and the QT program needs some overhauls.(which where is the .pro project file? will give it some look see, I have QT designer for linux now.) You want to promote a dead coin that is pain in the ass to get, you go right ahead. ITs bad enough you need BTC to get FTC to begin with.
Others have stated the more obvious points already. PROMOTION of nothing yields what exactly? You need to fix these things first, THEN work on promotion. Having one dev doesnt help matters much either.You really need a team of devs.Same really for the website but all it takes is someone sufficiently know-how in CMS or HTML to get the job done.Its not rocket science but it might as well be to the untrained.
If we are going to vote, then vote and get it on with and do something, dont sit around and much around all day and at the end of the day nothing gets done.Arent we heading for DPos?If its not easy then we should be breaking it down until the code writes itself.Someone has figured it out already with Bitcoin-scrypt.Maybe we can copy them?Theyre having wallet sync issues for some reason which is why I quit the coin.Nothing like coins up in cyberspace that you cant get into your wallet from the blockchain.
We seem to be talk about much-- do nothing.
This is a community coin, run entirely by volunteers. It’s all very well and good being sat pointing out how easy it is, but what are you doing to help make things better? Dive in. That’s how I got started here.
I’m working on a website we can we proud of but unfortunately other commitments that pay my mortgage are taking up my available time. I assure you it will be completed and the only way to get it done faster is for someone else to do it.
Oh and Cryptsy has FTC/USD pairs but yes, like pretty much ALL alts, it’s easier to buy BTC to trade them. That’s the nature of ecosystem at the moment.
Its been a while since i’ve been here. Noticed Feathercoin is doing less good lately (popularity wise) didn’t neoscrypt cause this as FTC is pretty hard to get mining wise lately?
Are there any active miningpools available, as I can’t seem to find active one’s.
I am still mining / testing and running FTC p2pool
All of the systems and documentation for a core currency is available. A huge amount of investment and also some people have put in tremendous amounts of time and intellectual knowledge with a stable technology base. We need to get back on track with the community and mentor some new members, refine the knowledge base.
I have always been trying to develop a community coin, it has been a lot of effort and investment to get it to this stage. We have mentored and produced documentation in all the necessary areas of the project.
Lets just continue to chip away at the things that need doing. All the expensive things to get us (FTC) to here have been done. It is a maintenance publicity, test and release the new versions.
1. urgent get ftc explorer back up
2. mirror of web site resource
3. start getting some projects moving …
4. the new web site looks great … widen ownership of Github management and website management / automate / document.
I see the work on the forum and community as being a massive ftc achievement.
5. formalise a way of open governance (autonomous?), to widen the support load / finance web site …
As a disabled person who nearly died of cancer, lifes too short for recriminations. It has been an interesting hobby, Technologically, I and others have learnt more than 5 full time jobs!
I can see there is a negative side, and have analysed the reasons for that and for instance many criticised actions would have resulted in worse consequences by inaction.
I still think we have succeeded in having all major pieces of jigsaw of an open coin.
A lot of people put in a lot of effort / investment to get to this stage, it is not much investment to use or continue this project.
i disagree with shadowhh32, there is plenty to promote, feathercoin is far from dead,
i’d be more then happy to put serious time (rather then just talk) into this coin, if everyone was on the same page with the way forward. if the plans to go POS i’m not wasting my time, would bail and not touch it with a 10 foot poll.
how had btcs figured dpos (i hold plenty of btcs and its in way worse shape then ftc, client doesnt even sync, networks all but dead, though they are experimenting with blockchain voting, and i havent given up hope btcs will be revived at some point)?
I am still mining / testing and running FTC p2pool
All of the systems and documentation for a core currency is available. A huge amount of investment and also some people have put in tremendous amounts of time and intellectual knowledge with a stable technology base. We need to get back on track with the community and mentor some new members, refine the knowledge base.
I have always been trying to develop a community coin, it has been a lot of effort and investment to get it to this stage. We have mentored and produced documentation in all the necessary areas of the project.
Lets just continue to chip away at the things that need doing. All the expensive things to get us (FTC) to here have been done. It is a maintenance publicity, test and release the new versions.
1. urgent get ftc explorer back up
2. mirror of web site resource
3. start getting some projects moving …
4. the new web site looks great … widen ownership of Github management and website management / automate / document.
I see the work on the forum and community as being a massive ftc achievement.
5. formalise a way of open governance (autonomous?), to widen the support load / finance web site …
As a disabled person who nearly died of cancer, lifes too short for recriminations. It has been an interesting hobby, Technologically, I and others have learnt more than 5 full time jobs!
I can see there is a negative side, and have analysed the reasons for that and for instance many criticised actions would have resulted in worse consequences by inaction.
I still think we have succeeded in having all major pieces of jigsaw of an open coin.
A lot of people put in a lot of effort / investment to get to this stage, it is not much investment to use or continue this project.
thank god someones head is in the right place.
To be fair to lizhi he is the only one with the technical knowledge who has stepped up to maintain the core code.
I agree it would be good to discuss some of the changes he is making and come to an agreement on the direction.
Mrwyrm is right tho. We are the community. There is no one else so if you are waiting for someone to do all these things you think we need its not going to happen.
We all welcome any new volunteers who want to start or help on projects. I’m sure mrwyrm would welcome any help on the new website.
Open Source is still the answer, it’s a shame that our decentralised technology still relies on a centralised organisation to maintain and pay for it. We need many more people to get involved. I’m a better, more confident person with new skills since joining feathercoin, and I know other people can benefit from getting involved too.
In order to decentralize the development process, we have to split the code up in parts.
In order to have value in our community we have to share so people can go about their business.
I’ll draw up a plan if ppl would like.
Notice: I have interests in two coins, FTC and CAT.
I’d be very interested to hear your views.
Kelsey how do you think we can promote the coin?
Your right we have a history and the last remnants of a good name. People may still have some good will towards the coin. But I’d be interested to know your ideas on how we can get people more interested in FTC.
We may even be able to club together and get a small fund going?
I’ve already volunteered TWICE. Do I really have to spell it out for yall? The new website should be up, period. It doesnt take a genious to run apache as a testbed, the mysql database may need some help though. Ive had beter luck with a live server vs a non-live one with testing a CMS based website.
Im running TWO CMSes right now.Both use MySQL on a Linux host. I dont use 3rd parties or 3rd party hosts.I dont really see the point in using them.
I run southernhedgehogs.org (wp) and southernhedgehogs.org/friends (friendica)
The status pages should be updated, it doesnt take THAT much work to do, the work was done and posted as a forum post already. Cut copy and paste it into place.Theme colors and themes can be changed like clockwork without too much difficulty.
I cant speak for the blockchain site, I havent worked with a blockchain before.Im betting its stalled on some block left orphaned somewhere.
But disecting the QT app shouldnt be THAT difficult. So like I said, where’s the project file? Its obvious that QT designer is used(or should be used) when making our app.The rest from what Im told are resource string literals that get changed. And we should be looking at BTCS code if that is where were headed. So lets go dig up some source project files and get down to it.If youre not using source project files, maybe you should be. Anybody that can code should have access to these files, it will widen the dev base. I seriously doubt only TWO people here know how to code. I dont think QT is that undocumented or difficult that noone knows how to program logic. People can learn. For Christ’s sake I know FreePascal and Lazarus and Im volunteering for some C/QT project. QT is the basis for KDE. Im sure youre probly using some sort of CVS/SVN/GIT system for project management, if not you probly should be.This is how its done people.Its not rocket science, its computer science.
Lets get our hands dirty.
Wow yes that’s great stuff. Yes to the offer of help yes to the git point we are using github and just a massive yes to your energy.
I’m a coder but I’m a java guy. So c/c++ and qt are a little alien. But I’m up for helping out if I get any free time.
(I’ve a daughter due to be born in like 3 weeks Lol)
Kelsey how do you think we can promote the coin?
Your right we have a history and the last remnants of a good name. People may still have some good will towards the coin. But I’d be interested to know your ideas on how we can get people more interested in FTC.
We may even be able to club together and get a small fund going?
I do:
and there it is.
we need a plan.
i’d be more then happy to put serious time (rather then just talk) into this coin, if everyone was on the same page with the way forward. if the plans to go POS i’m not wasting my time, would bail and not touch it with a 10 foot poll.
Our previous structure of a central team following centralised instructions seriously limits how many people can join in, it presumes that the a core dev is correct and he alone chooses direction and therefore anyone else who disagrees is against him and therefore against the entire community. That’s a horrible way to shut the door on people’s faces for caring and having an opinion. I’d like to be in a position where disagreement is an opportunity for open source experimentation, so whilst people may disagree with a direction, there should be support for both sides for the disagreement. To these people with ideas, we should be saying "fork the coin, give things a go on a testnet, and as Kevlar put it “what can we do to support you?” Only then will we have a positive, inclusive, community movement we can be proud of. :)
Join us, show us your direction and I’ll do everything in my power to give you the support you need to run with your ideas.