Enhance FTC moon mission @pocketspacecraft - crypto puzzle?
We* are making some finishing moves with ship#1 and ship#2 of pocketspacecraft.
We are thinking about more elegant way how to deliver our disks to the moon, then just marking loaded add on it.
Marking key is also tricky as somebody might unload.
1, normall add with 1FTC on with key kept secret
2, vanity"burn add" with 1FTC and no chance to discover key
3, multisig add (maybe even development fund) - not sure how that fit the spirit, but defo interesting
4, split keys to both ships in some kind of crypto puzzle, not unsolvable but hard to solve - making it fun for others (hacking contest, hacking moon coins etc)
5, you came up with something different, something brilliant
Please note we are bit limited by space so the text must be not much bigger then normal add or key.
*By we I mean me and my good friend Dave Wyrm