[FAQ] Feathercoin
Virtually all questions have been answered multiple times on the forum. This list has been created to answer the most asked questions and give members a chance to vote up new answers. i.e. pre-emptive moderation.
To keep it simple for someone trying to find information quickly, the question must be answered by a link to a relevant thread. New answers that are used can be voted up to increase their relevance or be included in the “Top Ten”.
To add to the list, simply post your new “Question” e.g.
How do I mine Feathercoins with Nvidia / Cuda?
Wait of fill in the “answer” - Members can then vote if the answer was use full, new high questions will get added. Votes for the “Top Ten” thread will be counted for the “incumbents”.
The list is pined in the New Members thread : check it out and vote, answer or add questions