Video of Feathercoin-qt wallet v0.9.6 proposed new Icons
Please give me the video , mail to 13368272959@189.CN
@lizhi I haven’t got the original at the moment as @AFB did the music. I’ll talk to him as soon as I can.
@Lizhi I’ve got the original of AFB now, I’ll email it.
I’m waiting
It was sent on the 10th. It is
9MB,big, I’ve sent it again. -
I receive a mp4 file ,its size is 6.4MB
I just built on MacOS and it includes the new icons, and I bloody love them!!
The wallet looks much better, much cleaner :-)
Crazy neat, I’ll tell AFB.
I like the new look as well. Are the new icons going to be added to the next release? Or is that yet to be decided?
There is no need to delay AFB and I created them for the next release, Feathercoin-Qt 0.9.6