Let's play with Feathercoin daemon [linux debian]
We don’t find a lot of documentation about the feathercoin daemon, so here, what I’m into currently. :)
I have follow this guide to install feathercoind on a debian 8 server, so we are here headless using SSH session to manipulate.
First thing first : Launch feathercoind
When you try for the first time to launch it, a message appear saying you need to create a featercoin.conf fileUSER@USER:/home/USER/Feathercoin/src# ./feathercoind Error: To use the "-server" option, you must set a rpcpassword in the configuration file: /USER/.feathercoin/feathercoin.conf It is recommended you use the following random password: rpcuser=SOME_USER rpcpassword=SOME_PASSWORD (you do not need to remember this password) The username and password MUST NOT be the same. If the file does not exist, create it with owner-readable-only file permissions. It is also recommended to set alertnotify so you are notified of problems; for example: alertnotify=echo %s | mail -s "Feathercoin Alert" admin@foo.com
So you do it :
# nano /USER/.feathercoin/feathercoin.conf
rpcuser=SOME_USER rpcpassword=SOME_PASSWORD // you can add the notification if you like alertnotify=echo %s | mail -s "Feathercoin Alert" admin@foo.com
Now you are ready to launch it properly.
# ./feathercoind -daemon Feathercoin server starting
As feathercoind is a deamon it’s running in the background.
So your access to the data gonna be through the feantercoin-cli utility.
# ./feathercoin-cli getinfo { "version" : 90302, "protocolversion" : 70003, "walletversion" : 60000, "balance" : 0.00000000, "blocks" : 30397, "timeoffset" : -75, "connections" : 4, "proxy" : "", "difficulty" : 122.35060749, "testnet" : false, "keypoololdest" : 1482588218, "keypoolsize" : 101, "paytxfee" : 0.00000000, "relayfee" : 0.01000000, "errors" : "" }
Hey but the deamon has to sync, so to know which is the last block charged use :
# ./feathercoin-cli getblockcount 30856
Let’s get the hash of this block
#./feathercoin-cli getblockhash 30856 2c58124d4a3db3cd93340e9d9a28a2f76586a73c6970c1800c9b07c6089e7938
To know the date this block has been mined use :
#./feathercoin-cli getblock 2c58124d4a3db3cd93340e9d9a28a2f76586a73c6970c1800c9b07c6089e7938 { "hash" : "2c58124d4a3db3cd93340e9d9a28a2f76586a73c6970c1800c9b07c6089e7938", "confirmations" : 198998, "size" : 1321, "height" : 30856, "version" : 1, "merkleroot" : "8ba91e7c46dcb7607a8efe37c3c4a4cf01e59234ebc1dc3f7fe7a0747dfd055b", "tx" : [ "5f2edc6224d0ae64f7dd7c7eb785cecb22fe1156c62511bf2b582ff0d9f7c355", "d50a077a92fda18b4e4e81dd238f51be4f4ddb0df46cfb0dcfec580eb76c40cd", "dd77aca1009685843f99bbabde01d3472f9a36d88f841b8de6fa00c63ae6276c", "7b46ef188125f06aef65f73e13e872e31397c04663ba5e7f74dfe90c160e8c0b", "8228acc24b08933b91f8e4b5f39aa5610134dd6fd410f9fb5ff19bac088a9ae1", "857b6060460da32a7472d0c7e73dcdbcb3124ec92e0f8e97ddbca3c18c17b507" ], "time" : 1367662454, "nonce" : 2725055488, "bits" : "1c0217a2", "difficulty" : 122.35060749, "chainwork" : "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000075d9f50a9d523", "previousblockhash" : "a76f7c7357f1fb0d2f8e86644994135ea887c713afe656bd233e45505f877209", "nextblockhash" : "31fbc762038457d6dee4fda362e083f93a2581790de42502ae5150a402fb156c" }
So the time is a timestamp, means time in second since 01/01/1970 at 00:00
You can use some cloud tools like http://www.epochconverter.com/ to convert in human date
So the date of our block is : GMT: Sat, 04 May 2013 10:14:14 GMTSo we can deduce the sync time we left : more than 3 years still to sync.
Héhé !
Now let’s say someone give you a FTC adresse and you’d like to check if this address is valide.
# ./feathercoin-cli validateaddress 6knuNae3rcX7iL8YvWSSGCzvcNpXkhcKSb { "isvalid" : true, "address" : "6knuNae3rcX7iL8YvWSSGCzvcNpXkhcKSb", "ismine" : false }
Now we want to know the received FTC of this address :
# ./feathercoin-cli getreceivedbyaddress 6knuNae3rcX7iL8YvWSSGCzvcNpXkhcKSb 0.00000000
Warning this is based on your local blockchain information, so if you are not fully sync this data is incorrect. ;)
To be continued with other command when my blockchain gonna be sync. ;)