There is a lot of information in the forum, but we know when you don’t know what to look for it can be difficult to find it.
In order to make searching easier, we have marked many support issues with [Solved], in some cases * “The Action that solved it.”
Obviously, the system would be better if it was proper maintenance system, but then everyone would need training up on how to use it!
All bugs, software changes, web updates need to be controlled more thoroughly. The de facto open source standard for that is GitHub. Any major issues raised during forum discusion or Support will be moved to an issue in Github.
This is also makes change control transparent and easy for such as the Website development. Updates are pushed as a Patch which can be easily checked Locally, then Pushed to the Github. All issues can be tracked and it is clear who has been allocated the Task for an “fix”.
Any fix causing problems can be easily withdrawn. It makes it possible for a couple of people to control a large amount of input work from various contributer, a core requirement of Feathercoin…
C.C. Feathercoin Discussion (Web Site enhancements).